I am getting rather tired of all the Russell scandals. However, if there is something to find out I'm all for it. I have a connection to one of Russell's followers.
- Yesterday I passed on the info about Russell's possible poisoning. He had never heard this before. I sent him the 1 page letter and he is going to check on it. Over the last year he has begun to hear rumors that Russell was possible murdered but not that it was poison.
- I also passed on the info regarding Russell and the allegations of sexual abuse of a child. He had heard the rumors but thanked me for the proof needed to end that rumor.
- This morning I asked about possible drug use and his thoughts on this were the same as mine. He was using medications for he believes a condition called Cystitus. Drug use was not what we consider drug use today.
- Russsell as a Mason. My source says his FATHER was a Mason but Russell was not. I have asked for any information he has regarding Russell's father being a Mason - waiting for a response. Oh and interestingly my source says that the pyramid for Russell was erected by - none other than Rutherford!!! Well we know Russell didn't put it up. Anyone want to try finding out a bit more about Rutherford's background???
Now my contact is a Russellite. So some of his info may be squewed but if he can pass on enough info to point those who want to research this, then that will be a good thing.
One way or another I would love to stop the rumors and just have the facts.