Do you think the Bible is inerrant ie has absolutely no erroneous information or does it contain some errors? If it does is its credibility destroyed?
I personally think that a great deal in the Bible is false but still the basic ideas are correct. Too many copies were made over the centuries and the originals are lost.
Was the Egyptian Pharaoh in Abraham's days a sex pervert that lusted after Sarah, a 90 year old woman? Did people live to be 900 years old? Is the septuagint the correct old testament version or the masoretic text?
Is the Bible really inerrant?
by greendawn 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Back in the days when i cared enough to argue about the bible with people. This guy showed me like 101 contradictions in the bible. I REALLY tried to argue against them. But the watchtower library can only do some much.
It is only innerant as far as any human being is.
Nothing is inerrant.
Programers try their damndest to write code without bugs. I dont think it can be done. The bible does a good enough job damaging its own crediblity without having to worry about some scribe who might have transposed some chars.
Raggin on the bible rawks man!!!
The Bible is a collection of history, myth, philosophy and the hallucinations of people (probably mentally ill) who thought they were getting visions from god.
Is it inerrant? No way. It's just a book written by a lot of people. Or, more accurately, a lot of books written by a lot of different people and sort of pieced together.
S4 -
Contrary to what the WTS was claiming there are errors and contradictions in the Bible that simply can't be explained away.
They also picked the masoretic text as the genuine one whereas there is over abundant evidence that the septuagint is the more precise, less altered version.
Even so I believe there are inspired parts that are inerrant but things like chronologies in Genesis were just inaccurate historical records copied wholesale by Moses. -
On the LXX, see
Nate Merit
LOL. Yes, the Bible is inerrant. If you think it has mistakes, you're mistaken. Believe it all or leave it all. The Flying Spaghetti Monster told me so.
if u leave the bible on the shelf too long it gets all moldy and dusty... then it smells...
the infamous one