Having read a recent thread on "mixed" marriages between active JWs and non-JW (either faders or df'd) two things stood out for me. First, there was a profound underlying sadness on the part of the non-JW poster (as there may also be on the active JW mates part) on the reduced intimacy of the relationship, both mentally and physically. Not being in this situation, but understanding what makes a marriage successful, I cant help but ask a rather harsh question....can anybody in this situation realistically envision how such a marriage can last in the long term?
Can you really love somebody that loves a cult more than you? How can a marriage survive long-term in the absence of real honesty and understanding? More importantly, the biggest psychological divide in such marriages would have to be the whole issue of one of the spouses believing the other is "doomed" to die in the watchtower armageddon (TM). What a bizarre dynamic!
Honestly, I hate to be a pessimist, but can such a marriage possibly survive, and if you are miserable, isnt it better to cut your losses and leave?