How to destroy the Watchtower Organization

by saved 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • saved

    Nate, how much do you think we should have? Do we just organize it or do we invest money also to pay for the lawyers? I don't think the victims would have enough. The average JWs aren't really the type you see that works for Trump ya know.

  • jgnat

    How does a beaver cut down a tree? One bite at a time.

    If you take Metatron's idea of turning the elder body against their own leadership, you might really have something. I bet they are as fed up as the sheep for being blamed for every problem in the society. Not only that, if they read between the lines, they are being hung out to dry for the "secret" portion of their training, "destroy all written instructions from HQ". Did you notice how WT legal turned around the neglect in the sex abuse cases? HQ claimed the elders were acting on their own.

    So if the goal is destruction of the infrastructure rather than pure profit, start suing individual elders. You don't have to do it personally. Build a self-help kit with guidance and fill-in templates for disgruntled former members. Post the kit online free of charge.

    Also, found an elder self-protection society and start gathering the secret letters. Provide advice on how to buy liability insurance.

    Just an idea or two.

  • Dune

    Thats a weird read @ Odrade.

    If the world lasts another 50 years. There wont be witnesses around. Think about it.

    The Kids Dont care as much as their parents. I kid you not when i say that 80% of the kids that i grew up with left the congregation/truth by the time i turned 18. The children of the WTS wont carry this orgo.

    I have a simple idea, why doesnt JWD collect as many emails from witnesses as they can. I'm sure that you guys have emails from someone you knew in the congregation, not to mention the ones that we can find emails from in search directory. Then they can be provided with a weekly newsletter. Of course, they'll have the option of discontinuing the service.

  • jgnat

    Dune, do you think they will come back when they have children? After all, it is their heritage. That's what I see at the hall now.

    Or do you think the new generation won't put up with it all?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Jgnat - If you scared the local elders with enough threat of being sued they would prob move to another area and see what happens. Hiding out.

    The borg would just 'appoint' a new bunch and on we go again.

    I think internal dissention would create some havoc, but not enough to make a dent in the organization.

    I fear that even that would be viewed as 'persecution' and might actually huddle them tighter.

    The only cure for ignorance has to be some form of education by the flock that will get them to see what we know. That is the key IMHO. But with the tight isolationism in the borg, I think it is hard to infiltrate. I would never have believed that all my friends would have abandoned me on the basis of rumors, gossip, and innuendo. But that is the big weapon they have against reality. They use it well. Wifey and I have not so much as been 'counselled' by them, yet not a single person will even inquire as to why we left the faith we had for 40 years+

    Tough nut to crack.


  • jgnat

    AK-Jeff, I've seen the quality of recent appointments, and the organization is in trouble! If the organization is not constantly recruiting fresh blood, they end up promoting less and less suitable candidates.

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee
    Didn't God say he was going to destory all false religion?

    tophat - The Watchtower says God is going to destroy all false religion. That is not in the Bible. Who is Babylon the Great? Do we know?

  • Balsam

    I was told by an Elder years ago that 70 - 75% of the young people leave the witness as they grow up and generally don't return. I have clearly seen that in the congregation I raised my children in. Their is only perhaps 2 of the kids out of say 20 who have even remained in the witnesses and continue going. WTC is apparently down in outside converts, and the young people are leaving as they reach 18 so the number must be dropping. Then there is the faithful core of older folks who hang on like my ex-huband will eventually die off. It seems that their numbers would have be dropping though they still show an increase. My husband thinks they pad the numbers on the reports so the rank and file don't know that their numbers are dropping. After all who could prove otherwise? Wish some more of those in high positions would come out like Ray Franz did and give us the the real inside news now. I do have to wonder what they will do as this old men on the governing body die off. The seem determined not to replace them with the so called younger anointed ones, and are putting in the ones with the earthly hope in office. Some of those old men are so old and senile that they have full time care givers.

  • toby888

    Perhaps the Governing Body should "Leave It to Beaver"

  • marsh

    I was told by a few JWS,that 'even if there is nothing at the end of it all this is where we prefer to be' and...'Where else would you find such loving,clean people to asscociate with?''and.. 2 Elders told me they did not believe everything in the WT either,but just wait for Jehovah to put it right...

    Sad to say some love being JWS and love being in the WT Org: have no intentions of leaving .It's sort of like a club..and then there are others who really believe the WT,and others who love control.

    The Internet is definately damaging them,also exJWS are getting braver,and speak out more now,not like years ago when they quietly left and were still afraid.The Internet is everywhere available,schools,colleges.libraries,homes etc: the WT are afraid of it.

    I have an exJW friend and he said we keep on chipping away until the chips become chunks,

    The Lord will deal with the cults,and all abusive religions.

    Phill 2:9,10,11.Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name.That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,of those in Heaven,and of those under the earth'.and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,to the glory of God the Father.

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