Is recovery possible?

by gcc2k 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    Fact: returning to the kingdom hall won't make you a more moral person.

    Fact: you can have faith on your own; without being guided in what it should be in.

  • Unclepenn1

    Here is my 2c for what it is worth. I think the Purpose Driven Life might be helpful, but you may still maintain the JW mindset as you read it, and that little voice in your head may say things like 'This is good, but it is not true' or 'This guy doesnt even use the name Jehovah when he speaks of God'.
    I run a support group for EXJW's and I have a message on CD that I am giving to everyone called 'Out of the WT and into what?' by David Reed. You can listen to it online at
    If you have no way of hearing it using that medium, email me and I will send you a CD. I think it would be very helpful to the situation that you are in.

  • AuldSoul

    In my opinion, recovery is a fine thing to hope for eventually but learning to cope should be the goal. Managing the impacts is a step toward recovery. It involves recognizing how you have been impacted and learning to find more productive ways of reacting/interacting/contributing to your own life and the lives of those you care about.


  • DannyHaszard
    ral. Even the Bible says that people can be moral without the Bible.

    Romans 2:14-15 ***


    For whenever people of the nations that do not have law do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves. 15 They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused or even excused.

    Kudos Blondie i make this same deliberation in one of my blogs

  • gcc2k

    Just wanted to say thanks for the replies.

    We'll see. Part of me wants to sever all ties to the KH and move on with my life, but I know that will make it harder for my wife and other family members.

    I flitter in and out of this site because it's easier to ignore these issues than to think about them (well, that and lack of time!). Maybe eventually the WT will get caught with its pants down in large, black and white, undeniable fashion. The UN stuff is pretty damning, but that seems to have blown over these days.

  • misspeaches

    Hi there.

    You said:

    I flitter in and out of this site because it's easier to ignore these issues than to think about them

    Spending time helped me confront my inner demons so to speak. It helped me to be honest with myself. It gave me a desire to research things. The more time you spend interacting here the stronger you become.

    You've opened up and that's great. I hope you find the assistance you need. But stick around, keep posting. I appreciate you have little time but post when you can. You'll find it theraputic.

    I wish you all the best. And stay true to your family...

  • PoppyR

    I totally sympathise with you, but think if you go back to the organisation you will quickly be out again, because now you have seen it for what it is. While I was leading a double life as a witness I did all sorts of things deliberately to stick my fingers up at the organisation, started off with the tiny thing of buying a lottery ticket, progressed as far as stealing from a store.. why? I think because I thought I was going to die anyway, what was the point. Since I have pulled away from the JWs I suddenly find my conscience re-appearing, and I think this is because now I genuinely want to be a better person for all the right reasons. I read here a few days ago about a youth group in a college that were christian and their morals, and thought if they were JW youths they would be the most debauched on the campus. Because our morality was imposed on us, not coming from within us. I know the WT sneer at people who say they have 'wordly' friends who have better morals than the JWs.. but I DO! And I admire them because they are genuine good people, not hypocrites.

    I totally get the children thing, I feel you are WAY off from really feeling this organisation is not the truth, because if you felt it wasn't , why would you want them to go along? I SO wish my parents had given me the choice, you can raise them to be fine moral people, without worship of any kind. And without the horrible guilt and fear that go along with being a JW. I feel for you, but still think some part of your mind thinks this is 'the truth' so I empathise with your struggle. Hope it all works out, but remember the dog returning to the vomit illustration. Be a fine example to your children, and let your morals come from your own conscience. We all have one, and it's mighty fine when you let it talk to you.

    Poppy x

  • gcc2k

    Interesting to read one's own old posts.

    I'm still miserable, as I've alluded to in other posts.

    I've finally crossed the line into adultery, and told my wife about it.

    Incredibly, she/we are wondering if we should stay together for the kids.

    I hate this religion.

  • Warlock
    Incredibly, she/we are wondering if we should stay together for the kids.

    If you can stay together, do it.


  • Quandry

    I know I don't know all the details, but it sounds to me like your wife is an amazing woman, JW or not. I have often thought that having a family that loves you is a precious gift. Many would like to have someone who cares whether they live or die and do not. That your wife would be willing to consider staying with you is generous.

    We all have inborn consciences-yours must be hurt to post this. Your family is worth fighting for. They are worth living for. Give it a try, I say.

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