Do you believe in Karma? Why or why not?

by AlmostAtheist 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC
    but mostly get nothing but shit in return

    I'm betting you could use that shit to grow some good shroomies though!! See make lemonaide man.. not kool-aide.

  • kristyann

    No, because wouldn't O.J. Simpson be writhing in pain somewhere and burning to shreds instead of playing golf every single day?

    I do, however, believe that people will one day AFTER THIS LIFE be held accountable for what they did... but as far as the actual concept of "karma," no.

  • AlmostAtheist

    From Cygnus, via PM (he's out of posts)

    Karma is just another superstition, not much different from the gods of Greece screwing with people's lives... only it's usually godless unless you're a Hindu, then you've got a few million gods tugging and pulling you in different directions.

    I won't take it from you, HL! I love the idea of a person that believes in Karma because they're too lazy to chase down and punish their enemies! LOL!


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    AA I'm not lazy, just paranoid. Please tell me how to go about getting someone, and not getting caught. HL PM me, if you have a fool-proof plan.

  • AlmostAtheist
    PM me, if you have a fool-proof plan.

    I was thinking you could show them some pictures of a paradise and say, "Wouldn't you like to live under conditions like these?"... I can think of no greater punishment than getting your enemies sucked in to JW's! But if they ever manage to get out, RUN!!! Dave

  • Gretchen956

    Yes. And I have known people that seem to get away with it. But you can't know all of what goes on in their seemingly happy life. And you won't ever know how/when it gets paid back. But I do believe what goes around comes around. Some call it judgement day, those that believe in a god sitting up on a throne in judgement or st. peter at the gate. I believe that karma will out.

    Didn't read it in a book, its a personal life experience. And like everyone else that has a personal belief system, its my own and I don't need to sell it. You can have your own belief system and my blessings with it.


  • Odrade

    Yes, I do believe in Karma, but not as you are defining it. Most people believe in Karma as a form of cosmic payback, good or bad. Karma is really only a philosophy also known as the "law of causality." Since it comes from a system of belief that doesn't recognize right or wrong, just different degrees of being along a continuum, it cannot say that "if you do something bad, you'll get the same in the end."
    What Karma actually states is that every action leads to some other action or reaction. It doesn't necessarily define whether that will be beneficial or not, just that some other state will come into existence.
    It wasn't until the Greeks that the idea of "karma," or causality morphed into this idea that every action resulted in a like effect... the "generative" theory of causality. The Greeks were more attached to the ideas of good and evil, and that you would get this cosmic payback for evil actions, (or good,) than the Eastern philosophies the original idea was taken from.
    Now, I also believe that the modern accepted perception of "Karma" is true. That on some level, people who do bad, evil or selfish things, will suffer consequences in some way--even if it is only in bad mental health. But if you go purely by the true definition of Karma, I don't believe even you "scientific" types can argue with it.

  • fairchild

    No, I don't believe in karma.

    When one sees good things happen to bad people or bad things happen to good people, they will say that karma will do its work in a next life. I don't buy it, it is just an excuse for the fact that the karma theory doesn't add up this time around.

    I know a lady who is the kind of person who would give you her very last penny if she knew you needed it. She is very active in the community and has done a lot of good to a lot of people regardless of who they are. Her husband had a stroke a few years ago which left him paralyzed. She takes care of him, and he has turned into a grumpy, nasty man since his stroke, he treats her like a piece of dirt. One of her sons is dying of throat cancer. Besides caring for her husband, she visits her son daily and cooks and cleans for him. She has 4 children and 8 granddchildren, but not one has ever offered to help her out. She was seen last winter, at age 70, on her roof, shoveling the snow off so that the roof wouldn't cave in, because she wouldn't have the money for repairs. I wouldn't dare telling her about karma, really.

    I do believe in a certain form of karma, the kind you bring upon yourself. Often when you have a positive attitude, positive things will happen to you and vice versa.

  • Sparkplug
    I believe in Karma because I like the concept.

    Could not have said it better myself!

    I think I prepay Kharma. Anything I may ever even think of has been prepaid into the next century....

  • onacruse

    How about: Faith=Karma?

    We all want for something, and envision things for ourselves...things that are provided for us from beyond the limitations of our own being.

    There are no inherent bounds to human imagination, other than the struggle of finity against infinity.

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