Since leaving the Witnesses, has your life dramatically improved? Did it happen suddenly or is it a process?
How Has Your Life Gotten Better?
by minimus 14 Replies latest jw friends
The long part for me was that I was raised as a JW, so I had to essentially learn social behaviors that most 'normies' have mastered by 19...So I still deal a little bit with feeling socially inadequate, but I'm doing immensely better than when I left the Org. I've had to come to grips that I have been dealing with depression and anxiety inadequately since I was a teenager (trust in god, he'll provide.) So that's getting taken care of. A slow road but I've seen so much improvement I almost don't know that woman that I used to be. Everyone has the tale of lonliness in the religion. Same here...but now I'm reaching a point of contentment. I don't have a lot of friends, but the ones I do have are tried and true, and it's nice to not be alone. So ultimately, my life is getting there. It is a work in progress, but I do know that if I had remained in the religion, if all of the 'cataclysmic' events surrounding my family and the Org never were to take place I believe I would have committed suicide by now.
That in itself is a victory...or perhaps a pestilence perhaps how you look at it. I'm still here to inflict my own particular brand of annoyance onto the peoples of the Earth. Woe, and it is good.
Since leaving the Witnesses, has your life dramatically improved? Yes, it did. Did it happen suddenly or is it a process? Well at first it got very, very bad. Now it's on an upswing. It's a very slow process that creates a lot of struggle to get thru the simplest things it seems. My life started to improve as soon as I set goals for myself and had something to work towards. Getting rid of the ex helped dramatically, emotional abusers drain your life from you. Dams
We didn't just get up one day and decide not to go to the meetings any more. It was a gradual process. Mentally, we had said our goodbyes long before our foot no longer darked the KH door. So our life had started getting better mentally when we decided no longer to play WT games.
We have more time, we have more time, we have more time.
Yes, somewhat...
If you're talking about places I go, people I know, things I do or see, then YES, definatly it is 100x more exciting. The world is open to me now without restrictions. Talk about a need to look over my shoulder if I'm at an "R" movie, going to a concert or the mall with friends from work, etc...
But mentally, I still have issues I'm working through....and I think the process of cleaning out my head is going to take some time.
But mentally, I still have issues I'm working through....and I think the process of cleaning out my head is going to take some time.
Amen. Preach sista! Preach!
Life gets more enjoyable because I realize that the things I was taught from the Witnesses was just bull. I appreciate that I'm not deathly afraid of anyone watching over my shoulder to see if I'm perfect or not.
Great....I've realized that I don't have to be "Trapped in a Loveless Marriage" (Secrets of Family Happiness)
It's perfectly fine to move on in life.
Yes, my life gotten better.
I no longer believes in those lies. So i had to do research on my own once again about God.
I am very satisfied with the answers i found. I know that i will leave beyond death not waiting and armageddon to rescue me. So my shoulder is lighter, life is better, no longer have to go to meetings anymore.
The greatest thing is i took 100 % control over my spirituality instead of listening to men that are blinds.
I have more time for myself and familly.
Let face it, if God wants us to be united in one thought, he should have made easier to grasp his mind, what he really wants. No one except the israelites that have been in contact with him through prophets, he surely know that once a generation of people dyed the whole question about him have to start over again. Who he is? Weather he exists or not?
Since leaving the Witnesses, has your life dramatically improved?
- Yes. What I have now is exponentially better than where I was 15 years ago when I was a hardcore JW. It applies on every level imaginable: intellectually, mentally, physically, spiritually, economically (especially economically!).
- Like anything else worthwhile, it is a process, an undertaking. I once described it to Mr Scully in terms of construction - if you were building something (a brick wall, for example) and realized that someone had slipped in a defective brick that was maybe a couple of centimeters different from all the others you were using, it would effect the entire structure by by throwing off its symmetry and the harmony of the pattern. You couldn't just chip out that brick and replace it with a new one, you'd have to deconstruct the whole thing back to where the defective brick was introduced and re-build you wall. I notice similar things when I'm knitting - if I make a mistake in the pattern at some point, that flaw can affect the entire project, so I end up unravelling the yarn and starting back at the point where the error occurred, and being a bit more cautious about the directions I'm following to ensure that I don't make any more errors.