Are Most Folks Here Agnostics and Atheists?

by Nate Merit 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • GetBusyLiving

    I feel closer to "God" now that I've accepted my disbelief in it.

    I know that sounds retarded. And I'm not gonna try to explain it.


  • daystar
    I feel closer to "God" now that I've accepted my disbelief in it.

    GBL, that makes perfect sense to me.

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hello Outaservice

    I'm pleased you are out of the grasp of the WTBTS.

    I too am a Christian in that I practice my spirituality in the context of the Christian Mythos.

    Please try to investigate the lives of others who seriously practice their paths. You will find they live lives of gradual transformation as well. Christianity has no monoply on such things.

    If you investigate the life of a nominal Buddhist, you will not find much to impress you, same as if a devout Buddhist were to look at the life of a nominal Christian. Christian mainly have evangelistic success amongst other religious folks who are simply nominal Buddhists, Hindus, etc. The same with Buddhists and Hindus seeking converts among Christians. They mainly succeed with only with nominal Christians.

    You might wish to investigate a nonliteral approach to Christianity. Then again, you may not. If so, send me a PM and let me know.

    All the best to you,

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hey Big Willy

    "I identify myself as mostly apathetic with strong anti-christian leanings "

    The freaking evil hateful spiteful literally DELUSIONAL Pat Robertson is the quintessential Christian Egomaniac run amuck.


  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hello Kid A

    Thank you for the welcome. I've been having a lot of fun interacting with everyone here. I should have done this long before now.

    This is my proverb about battling fundamentalists: "Debating a fundamentalist is like boxing a robot. No matter how skilled, clever, quick and experienced you are, the mindless robot simply keeps adavancing until you are exhausted."

    Have a great weekned.

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi Jourles

    You wrote:
    "Agnostic here. As with most things in my life, I prefer to keep my options open."

    I like it. If you're on AOL you should use that as your personal quote in your profile.

    Thank you for posting!

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi Greendawn

    You wrote:

    "I am a theist but I have the impression that most people here are atheists with a portion of them being antitheists which means they hold the view that science has already proved that god doesn't exist. Other atheists are more like agnostics since they allow a slim possibility that one day science may prove that god exists."

    I can't see how science could ever prove the existence of God. God is not within the realm of science, and that's a good thing. I think. Regardless, I think God is a term that has been spoiled by Theists. It has so many violent and insane associations (just look at the recent quotation by Pat Robertson! He is not a rarity) that it is best dropped entirely. I have a visceral negative reaction to the word.

    There are other socially-defined meanings that are reletively free of kooky associations, such as Ground of Being, Divine Mystery, etc. I prefer one of those. Unless or until they too become corrupted by the religiously insane.

    Thabnks for dropping by and posting.


  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi Smiles_Smiles

    You wrote:

    Well, I really don't like to be catagorize as any certain thing or put under any certain group heading. With that said I do believe in spirituality (for lack of a better word). I read and have read everything from christian to buddhist to hindu to mystical stuff to taoism (which I am enjoying right now). I like to stay open to and enjoy all the possibilities. And believe in what ever feels right in that regard for the moment knowing that it may change tomorrow. Open to everything but attached to nothing.

    And as far as 'opinions(beliefs)' go ... they seem to be like assholes ... everybody has 'em.

    So I just try to enjoy and honor each person's belief/opinion and live my own momentary belief authentically.

    This is marvelous! I love youur openess and freewheeling way. I confess to sharing much of your approach.

    Thanks for dropping by and posting!

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi Zen Nudist

    Having been a Soto Zen priest who helped found Hongaku Jodo ( a Pure Land Buddhist sect) I grok with your statement, as far as it goes. Words really are simply fingers pointing to the moon.

    Can I be Everything too? Ah, you weren't referring to the little false-self running around? Good.

    Thanks for posting!


  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi Brenda Cloutier!

    Thanks for the welcome!

    You wrote:

    "I'm an agnostic. I believe there is a top-god-entity, but this god is not worthy of nor desirus of our adulation and worship."

    I take it you meant this statement in a Jungian sense of Archetypes. Very cool. People here seem to be very open minded yet skeptical in a healthy way. I like it.

    I agree that the Supreme Reality is not a Person.

    Thanks for posting!

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