Leolaia, you have such wonderful posts
by Nate Merit 73 Replies latest jw friends
Leolaia, you have such wonderful posts
I'm a Vanilla Christian. http://www.interviewwithgod.com/lordsprayer/
These days I use to label myself, for the sake of convenience, a "religious atheist"; I think my stance has not changed in depth as much as it might appear since I left the JWs, although it took some time before I came to express it this way. Basically I grew weary of the theological game. I actually think "God" is a poor word and notion for whatever religion is about. Wouldn't buy into "higher force(s)" either, for the same reason. "Mystery" is the best word I can think of.
There are two basic world views . . . rational, and mystical. I admit to having a rational world view. That is a view that concedes to reality and the objective. I welcome any proof that ghosts, gods, and goblins are real. A real mystic will never try to convince me her god is real, and a real skeptic will never try to convince me the mystic's god is not real.
A skeptic, an atheist, and a non theist are all different. Those differences make up a whole branch of philosophy.
An interesting exercise is to watch the behaviors of a wannabe mystic. Does the wannabe first rely on mystical solutions to needs and problems, or does she first rely on rational solutions while claiming to be a mystic? When a real mystic is hungry she goes to the desert or to the mountains to be alone and to pray for food. When a wannabe mystic gets hungry she heads for the supermarket to buy food. The wannabe mystic is interesting to watch because she does not trust the tools of the mystic. The wannabe mystic wears her claim of mysticism as a white robe for all to see, but she makes almost exclusive use of the tools of the skeptic and of the rational humanist.
To find a real mystic posting on an Internet board would be extremely rare. It might happen, but they would never apologize for their knowledge or engage another in a debate. They may describe a sunset or a flower. They are almost invisible.
My atheist friend refuses to even try meditation or any other spiritual practice, writing off such experiences as mere neurological activity.
I've tried to make use of meditation and I think there is some value in getting to that still, quiet JamesThomasishness, though I never quite actually get there.
I am slightly inclined to believe there are other types of intelligence, based on the stories people tell of coming in contact with them. I hesitate to call them spirits/ghosts/whatever since those labels have specific meanings and we haven't the slightest idea what these things are, or even IF they are. I'm not inclined to believe they have any great interest in contacting us.
I can't see any evidence for a true, interested deity, nor can I see any benefit to be had from pursuing a relationship with one.
I am atheist, but an open-minded one. (I'm speaking in contradictions today!)
I am a Jehovahs Witness.
defd, proved a point I've made; when asked to identify themselves, many JWs say the above rather than "I'm a Christian."
Well Nate. I don't know that I fit a category.
I don't believe in any gods, but I believe that there is some "force" out there. I believe in the power of belief. I respect the mysteries and it saddens me to see them so corrupted by mainstream religion.
I believe in the power of archtypal symbolism within the human psyche, but don't believe in their objective counterparts. I think belief in the objectivity of such beings to be superstitious remnants of the monkey (or lizard) minds.
I believe in the power of the mind, of ritual, of will, of love.
I don't really know what that makes me.
Still a Christian, and advocate Christianity although I do not have the answers to all my questions. Very much ant-Watchtower though. My belief in Christ is because of the great changes I have seen in individuals espousing Christianity. Doctrines and prophecy are 'no man's land' most of the time. Like one friend said, "When my 12th, candidate for the 'Anti-Christ' died, I quit trying to guess who it was"!
My belief in Christ is because of the great changes I have seen in individuals espousing Christianity.
I really hope there is more than that. Just about any religion can give examples of "great changes" in individual's lives by holding or converting to their religion.
Oh there is daystar, but you wouldn't believe it if I told you about answers to specific prayers, and lots of other stuff that has happened to me in my life. Do you expect me to believe there is no god because some ex-JW's (who were deluded most of their lives as it is) has the answers to all things theological?