Here is my class 1991. I am in the front row, far right. The CO's were Bill Spangenberg and Peter Michas. Peter is an opera singer, and at lunchtime, he played piano and sang to us. He was wonderful. The school was his last duty as CO. He retired to take care of his aging mother, who died almost immediately. Last I heard he was singing in an Italian restaurant in Seattle, and doing quite well too. It was also Bill's last duty as CO. His wife was chronically ill, so they asked them to quit the Circuit, since she so seldom came along with him. Interestingly, after they quit the circuit work, she got a full time job, and handled it great. I guess she didn't really have Lupus, Hepatitis C and several other things she said she had.
In looking over my class, I see that two have died (young had leukemia, and another had AIDS...........he told us all about it one day. He became a JW after spending his youth doing IV of his contacts was a young JW boy, who was also using.............he got him going to the KH). Three (including me) are now ex JW's. One is the youngest brother of one of the members of this board. And one is an elder who lives next to our eldest son. The woman in black in the front row with the scowl on her face was one of the angriest women I've ever run across. She and her mother (sitting next to her) came to our school from Oregon. I guess the one they were assigned to was bad timing. The mother was so nice, but the daughter was a witch.