What is the most unique name you've encountered?

by Why Georgia 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Andrea Wideman
    Andrea Wideman

    When I was in school I knew a kid with the name marijuana spelled backwards. Everyone just called him Basil.

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    Okay...some more odd names I've encountered.

    My husband's doctor - Dr. Marshall Toxin - he's passed on now. I had a Dr. named Dr. Power.

    I went to school with a Sandhu Sandeep, and 3 brothers - Harminder, Rupinder, and Jasminder.

    There was a teacher at my school named Lil Poteet.

    I had a client who was named Jack Bustaman and his daughter was Jackie Bustaman.

  • lonelysheep

    There's a girl in my daughter's class named CHARDONNAY. Imagine hearing that out of my 5 year old's mouth!

    I guess the conception night drinks were pretty good.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh
    There's a girl in my daughter's class named CHARDONNAY. Imagine hearing that out of my 5 year old's mouth!

    I guess the conception night drinks were pretty good.

    Thats too funny. I can imagine what I would be thinking if my five year old came home from kindergarten talking about Chardonnay.

  • daystar

    We had an elementary school principle named Mr. Head.

  • whyamihere

    I had friend named Pepper...she was cute and the name fit her. Funny thing is she went on to be a Doctor. We all called her Dr. Pepper in high school!

    Worst last name ever....Sucksdwarf...lol..I can't even say that with out laughing!


  • whyamihere

    Speaking of bad Dr names......

    Dr. Tremble...my kids Pediatrician.

    Dr. Gross... my old family Dr.

    Dr. Kruel....my old Dentist.


  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    And from the hall...

    Sister Creation ...yes that was her real last name!

  • bigwilly

    My younger sister changed her last name from Williams to Dobhran (Celtic for Otter I believe) can you blame her?

    Big Willy

  • Country_Woman

    in our cong: a little girl "Cheyenne" and her niece: "Kenia"

    Cornelius spelled here: Cornelis and is rather common. for short: Kees or Cees (mostly) or more rare: Conny - which sounds here as a girls name, only you have to write it then as Connie.

    The family name Willems (William's son) is - together with Jansen (John's son) very often used (but I have to admit that "willy" is meaningles here....)

    As for my name: Branda - I've never met someone else with this name (or heared of) so I think it is unique.

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