What is the most unique name you've encountered?

by Why Georgia 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic

    Where I used to live there was an electician who had several employees and trucks with his name Richard Heead Electric plastered all over the trucks. I always thought that was funny.

    I know a JW family with the last name Bong. The mother's name is Iona. She had twin sons one she named Dean. When Dean and his wife were expecting it was quite comical the names we all came up for the baby.

    Other than that when I worked as a long distance telephone operator we used to get this collect call we had to announce it was from Michael Pickel. All the other opperators would crack up when they heard that and one time the person I was asking if they would accept the call from Michael Pickel (they must have heard the other operators laughing) said "it's not nice to laugh about peoples names." LOL

  • Es

    I know someone who named there son Riker our to Star Trek, and the other son after one of the docs in the series.


  • Es

    Another friend name his daughter Storm and his new addition baby boy named reign


  • MsMcDucket

    People tend to think that my oldest daughter's name sounds like a stripper's name. Her name is Ecstasi Amore'.

    I think that they're ignorant because they associate the word with sex, and not with what the word means. She works for a prominent phone company. She had to stop telling people that her name was Ecstasi because it always got the people to talking about her name, and the company keeps toll of the time that they spend with the customer. So she told everyone at work to call her Stacy.

  • Outaservice

    One of our congregation Elders........Mitchell Twitchell.


  • MsMcDucket

    When I was pregnant with my twin girls, I had a heckuva time thinking of boy's names that I liked. I ended up picking the names "Rock" and "Stone"! Eheh! I guess it's a good thing I had girls!

  • Mulan

    My Dad had a patient who finally had a girl, after seven boys. They named her Hallelujah. (they were JW's)

    In Hawaii, some women in the congregation told me they ran into people in the field named Gonorreah, Gasoline and something else I can't recall. They said some of the people who come from the Pacific Islands hear those words and think they are "just beautiful" so give them to their kids as their name.

    A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to a 50ish white woman at Weight Watchers and asked her name. It is Oshuna. I thought surely she is called Shuna, but she said "Oshuna"..................pronounced O-shoona. Weird.

  • startingover

    I have a doctor whose name is Tu Hi Hong

    And he's a urologist

  • moshe

    I think having three first names is unusual.

    I once had a neighbor named, Joe Bill Tom and worked with a man named, Carl Edward Frank. That was 20-25 years ago, I have never run into that again.



  • CountryGuy

    When my sister-in-law was pregnant with her last child, they found out early that the baby was going to be a girl. Their last name is Marek (Mar-eck), so my father-in-law wanted her to name his granddaughter Bertha. Bertha Marek! I told her to name my new neice, Denice. It would be easy for me to remember.

    She named her Amberly, good thing.


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