If the answer is "yes," please explain why.
(I don't think this question needs explaining - I think you all know what I'm talking about.)
Do you still *want* to believe?
by daniel-p 56 Replies latest jw friends
Hell no. I'm glad I have my own mind. I'd rather have the mental, emotional, and spiritual freedom I have now than all the money in the world. Cynicism, pain, etc. are worth far more to me than ignorant bliss.
avishai's totally right of course, you can't put a price on real mental freedom. i'm not sure where you're at dan, but during the early stages of the transition I attempted to force myself to believe against my better judgement, but eventually the scales were tipped in favour of realism. Once the blindfold is lifted you feel such euphoria for what is factual that there's no chance of forcing yourself back into that old unsustainable mindset. This is one of the best quotes I've read on the forum today, so I've pinched it to put here...
When I believed as you do, I only read materials that agreed with me. I assumed I was seeing both sides because I was reading why the other side was wrong. But when I actually read both sides, using materials produced by both sides, I was able to make a decision for myself.
Nope, not at all.
When I was a JW, though, I used to wish that I'd never come across the "truth". I found it burdensome for myself, and especially difficult to ask my children to live the JW way. I was convinced it was for real, but I would rather have remained "ignorant" and been able to live normally and happily.
Darth Yhwh
Do I still want to believe that the WBTS lies are truth?
yes...i liked having absolute conviction
Darth Yhwh
tijkmo, it was a two part question asking for an explination of why if you answer yes.
So what's your why?
Having an open mind is a blessing and a curse, you're painfully aware of the cynicism, hate and rage in this world, as well as all the good stuff! Sometimes I envy the ignorant, for they know not what we do, and bilssfully meander through life, oblivious to the reality of it.
Wouldn't trade it for the world though.
Things I have told myself over and over again in my quest to find the real truth:
- Remain in touch with what I "want" to believe and why, even if it is painful for me to think about it.
- Do not allow what I "want" to believe to interfere with conclusions I draw. Let my conclusions be based upon fact, logic, and science--regardless if the conclusions are painful, unorthodox, or scary.
Believe what? That any day now God is going to kill 99.9% of the world's population?
No thanks.