JW kids: How old were you when you stopped getting spanked?

by rebel8 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    Just curious. I was 17 when I was last spanked. It was the day of my high school graduation. I held back my mother's arms and refused to allow her to beat spank me any more. I said I was too old and wasn't going to take it any more. She continued to struggle with me and I said if she doesn't stop I will strike her. She stopped. I said never again and walked away. One of my more shining moments. IRL I am only a few inches taller than my mother, but in my memory of that day I was like a foot taller, looking down on her as if I had superpowers.

    Before that, I remember reading litter-ature to her that said you should use age-appropriate discipline, ie grounding older children who are no longer like younger kids (again who were likened to animals who couldn't comprehend anything but spanking). She responded by reading the scripture that says a child won't die if you beat him. I responded by pulling out newspaper articles of kids who died because of parental beatings. (Yes I kept them because I knew I was being abused.) She responded by reading the scripture that says not to question your parents or whatever, discussion over.

    So what is the typical stop-beating age among JWs?

  • Cygnus

    I think I was 10 or 11. My dad might remember better. Dad? (I know you're reading this.) He doesn't post though so I guess if I talk to him this weekend I'll ask.

    I know this much. When us kids got spankings they were never out of anger, and we were always given the reason behind the punishment. My dad also made sure we knew he was doing what the Bible said to do. It was pretty clear he did not like spankings, but did it because he thought it was Jehovah's way. After a spanking he would always hug us and tell us he loved us. Once I remember him even crying. I'm pretty sure he hated giving spankings but did it out of duty. If he could do it all over again I'm sure there'd be other forms of discipline administered.

  • GentlyFeral

    I had to stop spanking my kids when they were able to outrun me - in my son's case, three years old.

    gently feral

  • mrsjones5

    About 11 or 12, but I do remember one time when I was 16 and my mother reared back to slap me and I gave her a look that stopped her in her tracks. Mother later told my Dad that she was about to get me a good one but the look on my face made her think better of it. I think I would have hit her back.

  • damselfly

    Aw, spankings. I don't remember the last time but I do remember was getting spanked and then turning around and saying " It didn't hurt" in as snotty a voice as a 4 year old can have. Ya, I got another one for that, After that time I just refused to cry, instead I would scream very loudly like I was being murdered. As a result I never got spanked in public.


  • Odrade

    18 "as long as you live in our house we have the right to discipline you"

  • mrsjones5

    Oh I would have loved for my parents to say that to me when I returned to lived with them when I was 24

  • blondie

    My parents were screamers, not much for hitting. Not that they weren't abusive.

  • hopelesslystained

    16. Then I was simply verbally beaten for hours on end.

  • theinfamousone

    spankings kinda stopped when i was like ten or 11... then it just turned into brutal beatings for a while... i bet if i were still there and still was too ashamed to gfight back, they would still be goin on...

    the infamous one

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