My last spanking was around 12 I think. I went to sleep at the KH and she told me to go stand up in the back. I went into the library and laid down and went to sleep instead. She was pissed. I got my ass whipped for that one. I told my dad and he proceeded to rip her a new asshole and his lawyer wrote her a threatening letter. A couple of weeks later I went to sleep again and she told me to go stand in the back. I went to the library again and went to sleep. We get home and she yells at me and I ask her what she is going to do about it. I could tell she was going to raise her hand to strike me and I dared her to do it. She didn't. I know the only reason she didn't is because dad would drag her through the courts.
JW kids: How old were you when you stopped getting spanked?
by rebel8 47 Replies latest jw friends
I was 17 when I was last spanked. It was the day of my high school graduation.
Me too.....17 years old and graduation night.
This was also the night that I called the elders myself. They said they couldn't do anything because it was a family problem.
I don't remember the specific age that the formal spankings stopped. I'm pretty sure I was in High School. But that's not to say that the physical lashing out still didn't happen, mostly by my step-mother. More than once I had finger mark bruises around my upper arm or a swollen face. I could handle that though, I personally preferred to be beat than to be told the things that were screamed at me in anger. It's no wonder my self esteem was in the toilet by the time I ran away for good.
If for no other reason, at this point in my life I can't even wrap my brain around being in a church where it's your spiritual obligation to abuse your children.
Spanked? I guess I was about 10 or 11. But the last time I got in a fight with my old man I was 16, came out of it with a black eye. Haven't seen him in 4 years now, so now I'm twice as big as I used to see, I want to see him try that shit again...
I was 17, got my hair pulled and face smacked for a trivial thing.
12/13 ish. We were in a car, on our way to a Circuit assembly (go figure) and out of the blue she starts hitting me in the face. I dont know what it was but rage erupted inside of me and I started screaming in her face.
Telling her i didnt do anything and she didnt have any right to hit me because she was angry. Needless to say, she hasnt hit me since. She had taken to hiding my property afterwards as punishment. -
Darth Yhwh
My mother would always wait until we got home from the KH. See, most of my spankings were for misbehaiving there. LOL. She stopped when I was around 10 or 11 when she realized that I was putting on all of my underwear for padding.
16 - I disagreed with my Mom, and she started screaming, so I shouted back and she smacked my face. I had already decided I'd had enough. I slapped the side of her arm as hard as I dared, and said "don't you EVER hit me again."
She never did but the verbal abuse and lashings continued.
Spankings were rare for me they were more common for my younger brother though. And he still blames me for them to this day! I am almost 30 and he's 2 1/2 years younger than me. I do feel bad that my dad seemed to want to spank him more than me but we are adults now and we need to move on. My brother now refuses to accept my existance. We haven't spoken since before my daugther was born 2 years ago. <sigh> That is one of the many reasons why I hate this religion so much.
Reading all your stories about spankings is a very sad read. I do hope you all have been able to cope with your ill treatment as children and haven't allowed it to fester inside you like a boiling pot. I know my brother has and its simply not healthy. Please tell me you all have been able to move on and become well adjusted somewhat healthy happy adults in your lives.
Sending my good thoughts out to all of you with such terrible experiances.
I'm still up for a spanking but not from mommy and daddy . lol I've been a very bad boy