Would you discriminate against a person simply because he was a Witness?
Would You NOT Do Business With a JW Simply Because He's a JW?
by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends
Absolutely! When I was a JW in good standing I did business with quite a few of them. I found them to be the most dishonest people I've ever known, and it cost me thousands of dollars. I've also found that many JWs have a very poor work ethic, viewing employment as a necessary evil but "kingdom interests" always come first. They are notorious for cutting corners wherever they can, and don't seem to take any pride in their work.
I would not do business with people who belong to an organization that promotes an attitude that secular work is merely a necessary evil.
I know what you mean, Finally-Free. I worked for a JW who was fortunate that the people who worked for him were (for the most part) ethical and did a good job because if he had to do it himself....well, he probably wouldn't have bought the business if it required actual physical labor on his part. I knew plenty of other JWs who didn't do a good job either, but there were a few that were/are real craftsmen. I'd be happy to do business with them, that is if they'd take a job from a DA'd person.
No. I worked for several and know several others who were good at what they did. Of course, most of those folks are nearly retired age now. They learned work ethic while in "the world" and mastered the crafts they chose.
Too bad the WT confused their talent as a side benifit to membership.
The youngsters tend to be shoddy fly by nighters.
If I were no longer recognized as a JW, they shouldn't do business with me.
If I were a JW, no, because I would not be allowed any legal recourse if they screwed up or cheated.
If I were asked by a non-JW if they should do business with a JW, I would say to do all the necessary investigation as to their business worthiness and not to assume they would be honest or competent just because they were a JW.
I would not be allowed any legal recourse if they screwed up or cheated.
I think this is the cause of many of the problems JWs experience when doing business with each other. I've known many who got badly burned in business by "brothers", and many of these "brothers" were repeat offenders. Elders refused to deal with the problem, and victims were warned by elders that they shouldn't take their "brother" to court.
I'm sure there are many JW "businessmen" who deliberately exploit this rule.
I did know a few dishonest Witnesses but proving it was another thing.
It wouldn't be a deal-breaker, but it would be a consideration. Since I know they aren't logic-driven but dogma-driven, I can't really predict how they'll handle my business.
Will an assembly part suggest that they shouldn't do this kind of business anymore, leaving me high-and-dry? Will the Watchtower condemn some chemical or substance or technique, forcing him to choose some other at a higher cost but with no true benefit? When he realizes that I know the insides of his crappy religion and utterly reject it, will he feel justified in giving me substandard service?
If two otherwise equal businesses could serve my needs, I would pick the non-JW one without question. Maybe even if it was a 60/40 in favor of the JW. But if the benefits were high enough, I'd prolly bite the bullet and hire a JW.
We went to a restaurant a few months ago that had been one of our favorites. It was under new management this last time, and it was just deplorable.
The serving sizes were smaller, the prices were higher, and they used processed cheese slices on the cheese and mushroom omelette instead of real cheese. Mr Scully said we should write a letter and complain, so when we went to pay, we picked up the business card of the new manager. It was a JW we knew.
BrotherCheapA$$ isn't getting our business anymore. -
I bought my first car from an elder in my congregation. He said he completely replaced all of the ailing parts and rebuilt the engine. Now the engine was fine, but my brakes gave out two weeks after buying the thing going down an offramp from the interstate. When I brought what was left of the car into the repair shop to find out just what in the heck went wrong, the mechanic (NOT a JW) said that he was surprised I could brake at all, my brakes were so bad. Mr. Elder didn't repair EVERYTHING...not by a long shot...and it almost cost myself and mother her life.
So would I use JWs for service? Of course! After all, I have a death wish!