Member of Governing Body begins to pioneer at start of Service Year!

by AK - Jeff 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    You have not seen this announcement - nor will you ever. These 15 [I think, I lost track] men do not set the lead too well do they? Other than a few hours required at the boardroom table on Wednesdays, why can't they 'buy out the time' they are telling the flock to 'buy out' ? Correct me if I am wrong - but I have not ever heard of a pioneer/Governing Body member. Of course they call themselves 'full time servants' - but I mean really pioneer.

    I think someone should submit this question [or substance] to the letter from readers. I don't qualify, since I am no longer a 'reader'.


  • Odrade

    I think it's a moot point... they ARE already in full-time service, as are all of the Bethelites. I think you'd be hard pressed to make anyone think that was a good argument, especially JWs.

    I know there have been comments from time to time about how the GB don't go in field service, but my parents (while they were at Bethel,) used to go out nearly every weekend, often on Saturday AND Sunday, in the door-to-door work with a GB member and his wife. I believe they all auxiliary pioneered together on several occasions.

    And I personally have seen other members of the GB out in the street work, and in door-to-door.

  • Mary
    I think it's a moot point... they ARE already in full-time service, as are all of the Bethelites. I think you'd be hard pressed to make anyone think that was a good argument, especially JWs.

    Yes and let's not forget: when you're at Bethel, the Holy of Holies, you can count anything from serving meals to picking your nose as "time" on your Service report. I'll never forget the shock of when one bimbo of a pioneer told me she was going to Bethel to "pick vegetables" in the garden they have there, because she could "count it as time"........uh, ya..........I can see how picking vegetables is the same as knocking on doors.

  • Odrade

    Picking veggies, LMAO! I built chairs for an assembly hall building project one summer, and got to count it as my F.S. "time." haha!

  • GoingGoingGone
    I'll never forget the shock of when one bimbo of a pioneer told me she was going to Bethel to "pick vegetables" in the garden they have there, because she could "count it as time"........

    And there's no equality here, either... At the WT Grove in Florida (which the society just sold recently), 'pioneers' who volunteered to work there once a month could count it as time... the R&F who worked there, could not. Hmmmmmmm.....


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I knew of one 'pioneer' couple who made a career out of such things.

    I think they spent the better part of two years at an Assembly Hall project in Texas, living in a trailer. He was an 'overseer', and she was sickly and I think did little on the project.

    This guy prob spent his time walking around with a coffee cup and smiling. Then he came here for a while to be a 'big shot' service Overseer. He actually had to go in service here - so he left shortly to go back to Texas.


  • gold_morning


    Just wondering ......... in the rule book, is there a specfic number of hours in the door to door service that qualifies you to make it into the kingdom? I mean, without a "goal" or knowing the number of hours needed to "work/buy" your way into the kingdom, how would one know when they have done ENOUGH?????? When is enough...enough?

    Could it be that is why Ephesians 2:8 says....."For it is by grace you have been is the gift of God.......NOT BY WORKS..." (or)

    Titus 3:5....."He saved us not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy." (or)

    Romans 11:6..."if it's by grace, then it is no longer by works.....if it were by works.. then grace would no longer be grace."

    If those scriptures are true... then the bank accounts of many JW's are bone dry....How sad!


  • blondie

    Actually, Bethelites are discouraged from signing up to auxiliary (or regular pioneer). When I was around Walkill in the 80's, some newer Bethelites did sign up to auxiliary pioneer using the weekends and their vacation time to do it. But they were told that it interfered with the more important work they did at Bethel and were no longer allowed to do it.


  • jeeprube

    The real point is that the act of "counting time", is non-scriptural.

  • Mary
    Goldmorning said: Could it be that is why Ephesians 2:8 says....."For it is by grace you have been is the gift of God.......NOT BY WORKS..."

    Goldmorning, can we see you in the back room for a little chat?

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