Abraham and Solomon, To Kill a Child as a Test

by VM44 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LDH

    TopHat says:

    God gave you a free will

    Of course there is no proof that there is a god, and if so, that he 'gave' anyone anything.

    The beauty here, TopHat, is that if I believe that, my next question--why is God so busy giving free will that is used to harm INNOCENT CHILDREN? It's because in your world, he himself has free will, including the will to murder imperfect humans.

    Methinks you can explain away the fact that "God" is nothing more than a legend about a power hungry, blood thirsty nut job.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Uhhhh, NO. I do not see a similarity. BTW, you are missing the point of the stories. In the Genesis account Abraham is a picture of God the Father sacrificing the Son for our possible salvation. This is with a neat twist though. The human father was going to do the deed, having full faith that God would do something to rectify the act as this was the son of prophecy: he told his sevants that 'they would be back', more or less. Now, God still provided the sacrifice with the ram caught in the bushes. He provided the sacrifice for all time when Jesus went to the cross!

  • DaCheech

    Read Exodus:

    God purposely made the heart of pharoh "hard" and made the Isrealites take a long route to enfuriate the pharoah.

    God instigated this whole thing in order to destroy Pharoah in the REd Sea!!

  • hamsterbait

    The story of Abraham and Isaac and the ram, is taken from Babylonian mythology, and is a story to explain why human sacrifice was abandoned. Religious artefacts have been found in Mesapotamia showing a ram caught by its horns in a thicket.

    As for the Solomon story, it is duplicated in Buddhism, as an example of Gautama's wisdom. The idea that free individuals were following some kind of template in living their lives makes a mockery of the concept of free will. It has lead to ridiculous over interpretations such as the camels that carried Rebeccah to Isaac represent the Watchtower and Awake magazines...


  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Your assertions about Biblical stories emerging from Babyonian myths is a crock. It is not agreed upon even amongst the myriad of fringe scholars. This teaching is all too convenient in denigration of scripture. It also cannot be proven that the old Mesopotamian stories are not a twisted version of the original verbal traditional stories of the Semites. You have stone tablets that are alleged to have existed before the Semite traditions, they are not conclusive evidence no matter how much you see it here and on other skeptic sites. It is just as likely the case, just like the Koran is a twisted version of the completed Old Testament.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Tsk tsk, God hardened pharoahs heart as pharoah desired it to be! Read the text. After you do that go to John 3.18-19 and see why people choose evil then are granted it in abundance by God.

  • LittleToe

    ...then try reading Rom:9:17, 18, to round out the picture.

  • DaCheech

    THe God "Jehovah" is vengeful and punishes "children for the faults of their fathers for generations".

    I would love to debate what Jehovah purposefully did to Pharoah by making him follow the Jews to his death..... If I had time!!!

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