Has anyone considered the similarity in the "tests" that Abraham and Solomon were involved with in the Bible?
Abraham was "tested" by God to see if he would sacrifice (that is kill!) his son if told to do so.
Jehovah, who could read what was in hearts and so really did not need the test in the first place, let Abraham make the preparations to kill his son to see if Abraham would really do it. At the last moment, Jehovah said, "Stop" and provided another sacrifice. (Again, why the "test" when He already knew what was in Abraham's heart?)
Now let's take Solomon's great example of wisdom, the test of two women as to who was the real mother of the contested baby. The well-known story has Solomon order the guards to cut the baby in two, again an order to kill a child. In this way Solomon would see which mother would speak up, giving up the baby in order to preserve the baby alive. The assumption being that this would reveal the true mother of the child.
Do you see the similarity in both stories? Both involve the command to kill a child in order to bring forth the true motivations of a parent.
Also, both stories resort to a type of trickery that the Bible appears to portray as "wisdom".
Anyone have further comments on this observation?