Prepare to be SHOCKED.

by nicolaou 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog


    And I couldn't agree with you more, yeah, there are those that will take offense to someone saying good morning to them. Nothing to be done there.

  • LittleToe
    ...there are those that will take offense to someone saying good morning to them.

    You complete and utter bar-steward!!! I'm not speaking to you anymore!!!

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog
    You complete and utter bar-steward!!! I'm not speaking to you anymore!!!

    Ach! Then its the fisticuffs ye want, ay?

  • mouthy

    Mamma dont allow any fighting in here go to your rooms..

  • Elsewhere
  • daystar

    Kudos nic. You've begun to say what many think and have thought before.

    I'm reminded of an extreme example of one whose sensitivities are far too fragile to withstand being shocked. I believe she had a problem with Christmas being shortened to X-mas, as it "crossed the Christ out of Christmas".

    She might be an extreme example of a person whose belief system is in such a fragile state that it must be defended with all means necessary, including rational gymnastics, lies, ignore-ance, etc... extreme prejudice.

    Strength is gained through exercise, challenge, shock, not through feel-good, ignorant, indignant, "fluffy" blindess.


    Food and drink--$45.00 Visa

    New clothes--$200.00 Visa

    Shock 'em, don't knock' em.--Priceless


    P.S. BD--would you please sign a disclaimer that will allow me to use that phrase when needed?

  • Honesty
    Shock 'em, don't knock' em.
    Couldn't agree more. I don't think I've knocked or insulted anyone but let's face it, some thin skinned and 'precious' individuals could find offence in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It's almost like they want to be offended

    You can't shock me, Nic. I am already in psychotherapy and undergoing 'special' procedures.

  • JosephMalik

    Nicolaou, What you are calling shock is nothing more than a solution to a problem that exists today. It is in fact our responsibility as disciples. The problem is stated by Paul like this: Gal 4:17 "Those people are zealous to win you over, but for no good. What they want is to alienate you from us, so that you may be zealous for them". This we find everywhere today and on this forum quite a bit. When they are challenged they put a bad name on it and attack your character. They want you to loosen up and be more tolerant so they can continue to look for victims. But our goal should be: 2Co 10:5 " We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ". I expect no less from myself or anyone else claiming to be a disciple. So go ahead and shock them, demolish their arguments and pretensions. This is nothing more than doing what is expected of us. Joseph

  • atypical

    I came to this thread hoping to find someone promoting shock therapy. I have been looking for a viable alternative to vaccinations, since everybody knows that germs don't cause disease.

    Oh well, back to my pyramid-shaped grave.

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