SWALKER, consider it signed mate.
Prepare to be SHOCKED.
by nicolaou 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
I agree Nic.
Sometimes there is nothing more beneficial than a good smack upside the head. Metaphorically speaking.
The only reason I am here to begin with is that I was shocked when I found out about the NGO's. So go ahead and try to shock me. Nothing will ever shock me again.
- Pepper Brooks, Dodgeball
I am officially shocked
Big Dog
Where's KLS? We need to shock the monkey. Oh well, Tetra will do, he's the first generation of his family to walk upright.
I agree that we can't tip toe around people too much.
AK - Jeff
I'm reminded of an extreme example of one whose sensitivities are far too fragile to withstand being shocked. I believe she had a problem with Christmas being shortened to X-mas, as it "crossed the Christ out of Christmas".
Turns out that this soul was not even what was claimed to be in the first place [wife of another poster]. At least that is how I recall it ended. Haven't heard much more from that one - she/he was not truly shocked at all, just looking for attention.
In a course I took once-upon-a-time the prof postulated that no one changes the behaviour of his youth without a 'Significant Emotional Experience' to trigger it. For me it was CoC and ISoCF that provided it. The internet seemed to raw at that point.
Like LT and others I am sure, I was disgusted by the attack mode of apostates on the internet the first time or two I ventured into this venue. Sometimes a spoon full of honey will help the medicine go down - to borrow a phrase from Miss Poppins.
I want to be shocked into true understanding and knowing
Such a good post, Nic.