Miss, We went to the Oklahoma game Saturday, drove up and back in the same day, 200 miles each way, I was exhausted, and didn't feel well. Went to bed Sunday morning at 12:30 am, and didn't wake up til 8:00pm.
Monday, caught my daughter in a small but still a lie. I was soooo mad, I made more of a big deal out of it than it was. I should have just grounded her and be done with it. But nooooo I kept going on and on. slapped her arm 2 times and grounded her, then asked her teacher if she lied about something else she had told me. It was the truth. I went wayyyy overboard.
Then stillajwexelder ticked me off, he still hasn't replied, I probably over-reacted about him also.
Then at work, today, I kept screwing up everything. Nothing I touched, worked out the first time around.
Then,,, I hit my head so hard on a cabinet, I saw stars. I have a huge knot. I didn't tell anyone, because I feel like a big klutz at my new job anyway. And it still hurts. When I blink, it hurts. When I chew it hurts. etc......... Owwwwww
edited, I slapped her arm 2 times not her are