I'm too American....I don't like speedos. I like square cuts or boardies. I posted a bigger pic...in the "post your pic" thread. Look and decide.
Hey infamousmouse....she wants to see "your boys". LOL
This DB is not so......................
by defd 78 Replies latest jw friends
Enigma One
you lot boring!?!? Hardly!!!!
Hang on a second HL... Enigma offered to move in with me first. I get first dibs and I say yes!!! (makes mental note to look at post your pic thread...)
What happened to I.O. and Tetra...
What's doing Stilla... you come along to watch some laydees talk football/soccer?
horrible life
Damn, He is cute miss, Ok, you are right, you had dibs on him first, Lola on Infamousone, I got to get me another old man. I got one of those already upstairs. All of the young ones here are spoken for.
horrible life
Can I just have a little fun, while Lola isn't around? Here Infamousone .....
Enigma One
Ah come on. Enigma needs a little lovin.
HL, you do not have to choose, i will be too busy ruling the world to be a pool boy....... but i shall come visit you, one of my thousands of concubines... DONT TELL LOLA!!!
the infamous one
p.s. i may be young, but im still bitter and funny :P
horrible life
I still think young, I guess because I married a man that is 17 years older than me. But I have to face the awful truth, I am getting old. And I could be your mother. Damn. It hurts to think about it, and where I bumped my head hurts. HL
Ok I'll tell you what HL... seeming you've had a pretty bad start to the week I'll let you have Enigma One. I have rights on Tetra so I feel I am in a position to share. However you must promise to lavish lots of love on Engima. I hear he can be a bit of an attention whore... But with a body like that... hes within his rights to be!
horrible life
does Enigma get a country? or just my pool boy
horrible life
Why, thats mighty womanly of you Miss!! I'll take him, and maybe you can throw in a couple more young studs, I'll have a better week