JW response to latest hard line anti-education WT article?

by watch the tower 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • VM44

    The Watchtower needs engineers because of all their construction projects.

    They even mentioned once that they had a need for HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) experts, most likely again for their building projects


  • Rabbit

    Could someone scan the article and post it here ? (My sub ran out about 6 years ago...heheh)

    I have a b-i-l who went to college while a JW and their children are in college now -- he's an Elder in good standing. I've often wondered how they get away with that. I hope the kids keep on with their studies, as I cannot think of a better way for them to be exposed to true thinking abilities.


  • watch the tower
    watch the tower

    I grew up in the 80's when there was a hard line stance against education. Because of that, I didn't go to college then, although I got my degree much later. Then in the early 90's, out came a WT study article that loosened up on the stance. This is when a flood of school-aged JWs all went to college because it was ok now. Now they are back to their old stance.

    Here's the dilemma for the WT. The parents of school aged kids today have experienced the flip flop personally. They are the ones that have felt slighted and robbed of an opportunity to get an education when the pro-college article came out in the early 90's. I was one of those that felt that way altho I didn't vocalize it. I'm sure I wasn't the only one. They will not buy into this, neither will they deny their children something they could have had.

    The young JWs that were able to go to college after the flip flop are now perhaps parents of young children themselves now. They're not going to buy it because they were able to go to college as JWs and remain respected in the cong. Even if they didn't, they have seen peers who have and have had no repurcussions. They will have no problem sending their children to college when the time comes.

    I don't think this WT article will have any effect on how most JW young ppl will map out their futures. It appears a desperate attempt by the GB to get the youth back in line with the org. since there are so many that have been leaving in recent years. Also, it is apparent to them that even among those that stick around don't make much 'spiritual progress' or have 'spiritual goals'. Perhaps they are thinking that the cause of this 'problem' is the soft stance on education they have taken within the past decade or so and are trying to get things back to where it once was. Sorry boys! It's not gonna work, the cat is already out of the bag! You've shot yourselves in the foot with this one!

  • 95stormfront
    Could someone scan the article and post it here ? (My sub ran out about 6 years ago...heheh)


  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    I just wonder how my MIL is justifying paying for 7 years of my SIL's college here and abroad....

    My MIL lives a very frugal lifestyle and has taken out loans because of paying for SIL to go private EXPENSIVE colleges.

    Think of all the money she could have sent to the society for all their wonderful work in the world....BLECK!


  • Diogenes

    I commented on the W.T Sunday and somehow managed to pluck up my courage and mention that I was going for an interview the following day with a University...

    Needless to say the comment went down like a lead balloon...

  • jgnat

    Blondie's full text of the article (with her comments of course) is posted here:


  • Oroborus21


    Everyone hear that sound? That was the sound of the door hitting the side of the barn in 1992. It ain't getting closed again.

    Olly-olly oxen free, everyone in the college-water!


    PS: Good point VM44.

  • Seeker4

    I wrote the comment about the engineer. Here's the story the best that I remember it.

    Rob Pollock was the Bethelite. Visiting Bethel in the 80s, Rob, at the time, was being sent to college for engineering classes by the WTS. We were asked to keep quiet about it, as the Society sending Bethelites to college was considered something the friends in general would not understand, and might resent. I also heard at the time that with his work at Bethel and the schooling, Rob was hardly making any meetings for months at a time.

    Rob went on to become one of the main engineers overseeing the Patterson, NY Bethel project.

    Anyone remember Rob and Cindy Pollock? As far as I know they're still at Bethel.


  • RichieRich
    I'm talking about how the individuals really feel about the most recent flip-flop. Has anyone made any interesting observations as to the general response of the article?

    Well, the JW "crowd" I roll with was very upset.

    I just played a fool and expressed sentiments along the lines of :"but if all the witnesses are working 80 hours a week to make ends meet, then how does that help full time service?"

    My mother said that she would be willing to pay for me to go to a tech school.. But if I insisted on going to a university, it would certainly be the demise of my Service to Jehovah, and as the system is a few years around the corner, its not a "good investment" to teach a "dead man walking" how to make money.

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