This is what I am worried will be going through my mind in less then a month.
I have always wanted a big christmas tree but since i was a full fledged JW till 5 yrs ago I never had one.
I just last year was able to get a small table top tree for christmas. It was nice..but mainly hideable if Jw parents or in-laws or just door-knockers stopped by. I now want a 4.5 ft needs to fit all the ornaments.Not to mention all the presents.
My brother suggests me saying if anyone we don't want to see it does.."Telling them 'I am no longer one of Jehovahs Witnesses' should do it"
I am sure it would..but it would also bring up a big discussion. He thinks i am trying to soft sell it to them. And maybe I am. I know I am gonna need alot of info in my head that day to back up my decisions to them. I want to go for the.. almost everything has a pagan origin and since its no big deal anymore..this (xmas) isn't a big deal to me anymore. many things are just WRONG with the JWs beliefs and actions..etc I just can't hold onto the blind belief that no matter what i read or how much proof i find.. that JWs are always right.
Can you guys help me? I don't want to just ..Stab them in the heart and say.. thats how it with it.