FLASH--NOVEMBER 16, 2005, Peoria, Il.
Instead of Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah (or Chanukah), Kwanza, etc.all merchants are to use a generic term instead. No use of Santa, a Nativity Scene or any Christian or other religious symbolage may be used in store displays, on advertising on upon product packaging. Use instead nondescript wintry animals, snowflakes and candycanes to signify the Holiday Season.
The committee on political correctness is expected to issue a final ruling by Friday on whether "Festivus" may be used.
-Merchants for Appropriate Designations
Even though Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus, I am outraged by the blatant anti-religious sentiment in the commercial sector.
I love Coca-Cola but this winter I will be refusing to buy any Coca-Cola products that do not contain the words "Merry Christmas" on them or have a picture of Satan, I mean Santa. I will likewise not be shopping at any store that does not have "Merry Christmas" spray painted with fake-snow on the windows or in some other such fashion. I urge everyone who cares to do the same.
-Eduardo Leaton Jr., Esq.