Miniature and large LRAD weapons used by U.S. army, businesses and cults

by wanda 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • wanda

    I mentioned this in another forum then realized it would also fit here, so I edited it a little and here it is again.

    A ministerial servants' head told me confidentially he and some friends had harrassed an Oklahoma City sister who partook of the emblems by using miniaturized sound and voice making devices.

    In some congregations the elder body and their closest pioneer sisters also don't like JWs and ex-JWs they think are big-mouths because they are afraid they will tell about things like child molesting.

    Some Mormons and covens also use the latest technologies. Where's this stuff come from? I'm just guessing brothers who used to be in U.S. intelligence come by the devices.

    So nobody thinks I'm making all this up here's a picture of a much larger U.S. army LRAD (Long Range Acoustical Device).

    Those send out ear-splitting noises, and not long ago an ocean liner owned by a private firm and called the Seabourn Spirit used an LRAD against a boat of pirates who had attacked

    Spencers and many other novelty stores sell prankster noise and voice devices for about $15-20, but those are fairly large and unsophisticated compared to the military and cult equipment.

    Spying is really nothing new among cults, criminals in business and voyeurs. Wiretapping goes back to almost as long ago as there's been telephones, and parabolic mikes have been used a lot in recent times, but using of long range harrassing or stalking devices is new stuff.

  • carla

    Maybe someone could install a device like that in the 'back room' of the hall and hear what really goes on during the jc meetings, then replay it for the entire hall to hear.

  • Satanus

    That's it! I'm digging out my tin foil beanie w the little ear flaps.



    Hi Wanda, welcome aboard!

    Are you saying that someone told you that they had used these devices to listen in on fellow witnesses private conversations?


  • misspeaches

    I've never heard of this sort of stuff before... But you know there are some real mean bastards and I wouldn't be surprised to hear they played with equipment like this just to unsettle a person!!!!

  • heathen

    Wow so they mastered the technology of making fart sounds .LMAO What use would they have for using the LRAD You couldn't torture people with that , sitting through a session of WTBTS meetings is torture . I do think there are some strange things going on at the local cong tho. I know that at holiday times that stores will use music lined with sublimal messages that subconsciously can induce people to buy . Stuff like that just makes me so glad I never went back to celebrating christmas .

  • wanda

    You are trying to pooh-pooh it and blow it off. Read the links.

  • sinis

    These aren't all that new. You can buy these things online, plus other stuff... go to:

    They market them as "pain field generators". I have bought several products from this site and they work extremely well - these are not cheap gag toys. In fact a friend of mine and I (~15+ years ago) decided to buy a very small mini transmitter that could be tuned to ANY (FM) station frequency. Well, the District Convention broadcasts the speakers over radio waves to those hard of hearing. When the speaker announced the frequency for the sessions my friend tuned it in and basically overroad there equipment. It was extremely funny to see the sound department (on side of stage) freaking out and using there meters to determine the source of the transmission. It was also halarious to see those with the headphones looking around like WTF? The mic for the transmitter was super sensitive and you only needed to whisper to be heard. He would read under his lips the bible or start talking about crap, truely funny... went on for ALL three days, all day. Announcements were made to please not use any electronic equipment that might interfere with the "program". He didn't listen. They were also great for communicating with one another as we checked out the eye candy...

  • heathen

    I'm not trying to POOH POOH anything . I've been a victim of something but can't tell exactly what . People have electronically harassed me for a very long time I am extremely PO'd about it but can't get a straight answer from anybody regarding it . It's not funny .....

  • wanda

    It's interesting how many appear to be acknowledging this problem which means it or the awareness of it must has increased in the past several years since I first mentioned it although even back then other ex-JWs were confirming it.

    I will never understand why some of the people who finally discovered that the Watchtower Society is a cult back then absolutely dismissed the idea that some of the most fanatical guys in it resort to active harassment or stalking, not just the more passive spying stuff.

    Their predictions of Armageddon failed. Silentlambs exposed their abetting of pedophiles. To feel they hadn't lost all their power and to shut people up those Anti-Reformers who were the most kuckoo in the organization have become crazier than ever.

    They must have reasoned, if the kingdom isn't coming literally, then we'll make it come invisibly by exerting real power and there are tools, pretty cheap but able now, that can help us do this.

    A different elder told me the sweet fruits that come from the most fanatically devoted Anti-Reformers doing as they do prove that their efforts are really okay. Maybe the Nazi named Adolf Eichmann and his partners felt much the same.

    There are still a lot of good people trapped in the Watchtower organization. They exist there not because they think it is so good but because they don't want to lose all their family and friends. But while having to stay put there they cut their donations of time and money.

    Really the Watchtower is being choked to death from the top down, not by those of us who see this happening and are on the bottom tier but by those sitting in Brooklyn who stifle all freedom of expression.

    On the other hand, the more they do this the more they suffocate the organization, so at least there is something to come of it. Slowly but surely the ship is sinking.

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