Miniature and large LRAD weapons used by U.S. army, businesses and cults

by wanda 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Leolaia

    Ah, this might explain why "Radar Man" (as we called him) in our congregation claimed to receive radio signals in his brain from a nearby mountain, and how it was used to steal invention ideas from his mind to create new inventions placed on the market. At least that's what he told me.

  • wanda

    There are people who seem perfectly sane but do insane things such as wiretap and stalk and I can tell you some are elders, long-time pioneer sisters and their helpers in the background.

  • heathen

    I've been saying for years on the board that I feel we live in an orwellian society here in the US . Alex jones says that more than 10% are actually working as government spies and with todays technology I imagine that's not difficult to do .I believe they use the technology to harass and try to manipulate by playing psychological games with their victims . They have ways of doing things that are not exsposed yet . That's why I said I didn't think those devices that you showed are the actual thing they use . They are exsperimenting with microwaves, now they claim they can even change peoples moods by using them . I don't think the idea of tin foil hats is all that riddiculous since some people can easily develope a psycosis over this type of thing .

  • DannyHaszard

    active harassment or stalking, not just the more passive spying stuff.

    Very simple protocol for stalkers break up the L.O.S Line Of Sight so the f**kers don't know where you are.Nobody except the spirit world can get near me undetected and unrecorded.

    The security tech for this is readily available and affordable.

  • TopHat

    You GUYS...Of what benefit would it do for anyone to stalk you. Can we say PARANOID!! WOOOOHOOOO

    If anyone spyed on me..they would be bored out their gord...if I knew they were spying however, I might put on a show for them as a gift.

  • avishai

    There are people who seem perfectly sane but do insane things such as wiretap and stalk and I can tell you some are elders, long-time pioneer sisters and their helpers in the background.
    I would'nt put it past them, i've seen active harassment from elders. And I definitely would'nt put wiretapping, etc. past them. Especially against members or XJW's that have the ability to cause any financial harm to a multi-billion dollar org.
  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    When I read the starting post.....I thought of......

  • wanda

    Avishai, send me a private email sometime.

  • Dune

    I have a miniature LRAD. All it does is allow me to listen to conversations from about 50-100 feet away. I used it in congregation picnics. lol

  • heathen

    That was a good question , what sane reason could a person have for doing those type of things ? The answer is no sane person would do that unless maybe a suspect for some crime . I mean look at the article posted , a man puts camera in womens toilet . Are we talking decent human beings here or criminal minds at work ?

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