where are you right this minute? It
by coffee_black 38 Replies latest jw friends
Oops... pressed enter by mistake...anyway, it has been a year since I started a thread just like this one, and I'm back in the same place I was then. I'm sitting in the World Trade Center in Boston, looking out at Boston Harbor...waiting for the Build Boston show to start. I'm teaching a couple of seminars in a little while... just having coffee and relaxing... I'm the first one here from my company.
So....where are you?
Why Georgia
At my desk typing on my laptop drinking a wild cherry diet pepsi....while baby boodles is napping for hopefully another 1/2 hour!
Literally, I'm right here at work.
Otherwise....I'm at a better place I think. I'm in therapy, on meds so I'm much more 'normal' now instead of depressed and suicidal. I've got a physical agility test coming in up december for a Fire Department EMT slot. Hopefully I'll get that. I want to feel useful and like I make a difference and help people. So...there ya go. I'm married, getting our life started, although with a lot of spurts and stops...but it's slowly going ahead. Not bad I think...not bad at all.