Anyone know for certain? Was it declared in the Watchtower. Have any direct quotes?
What year was the Smoking Prohibition made?
by Confession 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
*** w73 6/1 p. 340 Keeping God’s Congregation Clean in the Time of His Judgment ***
For decades the publications of Jehovah’s witnesses have warned against the use of such addictive products as tobacco. Persons associated with congregations of Jehovah’s witnesses in almost all cases recognize the wrongness of these habits. Newly interested ones, then, should take a firm stand and not postpone matters by asking to be baptized and accepted into the congregation, or to share in presenting information from the platform in their Kingdom Halls, while still in the grip of nicotine or other harmful addiction. As the new order now draws very near, it is assuredly in harmony with God’s Word to take the position that those unwilling to abandon any such harmful addictive practices do not qualify for our baptizing them and recognizing them as approved members of Jehovah’s Christian congregation.
Actually, to accept such ones into the congregation could prove a disservice to them, salving their consciences. Refusal to accept them can prove a blessing, aiding them to feel seriously the need for decisive action and for preparing themselves for life in God’s new order. By facing up to such challenges one gains a moral victory that brings true strength and confidence in God’s power and willingness to help.
What, then, of those who in the past were baptized while still using such addictive products as tobacco, other drugs, or who are on some treatment such as the "methadone program" and who continue in such practice? They may now be given a reasonable period of time, such as six months, in which to free themselves of the addiction. So doing, they will show their sincere desire to remain within Jehovah God’s clean congregation of dedicated servants.
Thank you, Doc Bob. Just what I was looking for. Somehow I thought this happened in the late 60s.
We had a dear ol' brother in our congregation who had started new congregations, been faithful for such a long time. He had smoked his entire life. He could not kick the habit when the powers that be said he should and was disfellowshipped. I heard about this long after I left and felt so sorry for this old man. JW's are heartless people.
I remember a woman named Betty who was studying with a friend of mine at the time. The year was 1973. I had just been baptized in April of that year. Betty had a lot to overcome, smoking, and a drinking problem she acknowledged. They gave her six months to discontinue both. With much dedication, AA and sheer will and love for what she had come to believe was the truth she abandoned her smoking and drinking and was baptized surrounded by lots of applause at the next circuit assembly.
(Of course she suspiciously moved far away immediately we wish dear Bette the best!) -
*** w73 6/1 p. 340 Keeping God’s Congregation Clean in the Time of His Judgment ***
What, then, of those who in the past were baptized while still using such addictive products as tobacco, other drugs, or who are on some treatment such as the "methadone program" and who continue in such practice? They may now be given a reasonable period of time, such as six months, in which to free themselves of the addiction. So doing, they will show their sincere desire to remain within Jehovah God’s clean congregation of dedicated servants.
So baptized JWs were give six months from June 1973 to quit smoking, etc., or face disfellowshipping. Starting in November 1973, DF announcements started being made. I was surprised at the number of JWs that had been smoking all along, even at the time they were baptized. Evidently, quitting smoking was not required to qualify.
w76 2/15 p. 123 You Must Be Holy Because Jehovah Is Holy ***More recently, Jehovah has brought to the attention of his "holy" people the need to disfellowship those dedicated, baptized Christians who refuse to break and give up the drug and tobacco habits. The idea that tobacco was a defilement of the "flesh and spirit" was not new. Down through the years in hundreds of different references in the Watch Tower Society’s publications it has been brought to the attention of God’s people how contrary to the teachings of the Sacred Scriptures smoking is. It was therefore time for God to remove those who refused to see the need of cleansing themselves of every defilement of the flesh and spirit. As of May 1974, in the United States alone, more than 2,000 had been disfellowshiped for not quitting this unclean practice. They were not "perfecting holiness in God’s fear," as Paul had encouraged.—2 Cor. 7:1.
I remember when I was very young my dad used to smoke.
I remember, watching my Grandfather, desparately trying to quit smoking, so he could be baptized. He'd sneak out to the garage to have a quick one. He eventually gave it up, and was baptized.....I think I was about 15 or so at the time.
Yeah...73 must have been just about it.I raced back into the "truth" just before 75 just so gawd would not kill me.My Brother had a child born just about then.He offered me a cigar as used to be the custom and I smoked it.I happened to mention that to some of my"new friends" and they were agast.I was lucky they didn't DF me at the time for this "new sin" (or unlucky)