I haven't changed or added anything on mine for about a year. So it's the car dealership tag, Mario from Super Mario Bros., 7 savings cards for grocery stores and the gym ID tag.
What is on your keychain?
by lonelysheep 41 Replies latest jw friends
and more importantly...a bottle opener
3 keys for the office I work in, my car keys, house key, mystery key (I have NO IDEA what this key goes to), and a couple of house keys. I also have the snap end part of one of those necklace keychains where you could hang it round your neck, pull the snap off and use the keys and put it back on said necklace...yeah, well I have the small part of it. The necklace is long lost.
Forsharry "Of the Jingling Metal Class"
Low-Key Lysmith
My truck key, my gf's car key and alarm doohickey, keys to all the cablelocks for my guns, house key, cigar punch, LED flashlight, tiny Swiss Army Knife, and a bottle opener.
I try to keep my keychain as concise as possible. I can't understand how some people can walk around carrying these monstrous things with little stuffed animals and charms and other useless crap all over them. Besides, a heavy key chain does major damage to the ignition in your vehicle by swinging back and forth while you drive.
Keys, token from Seaworld and one from Bahamas (both given to me by friends), mini Library card strip, mini debit card to use at the U-Scans and self checkouts and my Kroger Plus card ;)
I gotta keep my 'chain lean with only the essentials. Bottle opener being the primary need.... (It's probably around 8 years old now - sometimes doubles as a straighthead screwdriver. It's getting all chewed up)
Keys and two pics of my grandsons. Their school pictures could be made into bookmarks or keychain 'thingys'. What a cool idea!
Low-Key Lysmith
It's kinda spooky how similar our keychains are. I even have an identical bottle opener on mine.
a couple of fobs and a titan key ring with a matching house key
I heard about hurting the ignition by carrying too many trinkets on the key ring, so when I got my new car I chose only to have the car key and the house key and that springy colored coily thingy so you can wear it around your wrist.
Trouble is it looks like alot of other people's key rings in this town now!
Our town gave out key rings at the last 4th of July fun!