8 keys and my jeep's door opener
What is on your keychain?
by lonelysheep 41 Replies latest jw friends
My keys, and central locking thing for my car, a bottle opener from Vanuatu (with a chipped end) and a keyring from USS Chafee that my sister-in-law swapped with someone for a keychain from her ship HMAS Newcastle when she was in the Gulf (She just got back).
Two house keys (my place has two doors), a key to the health food store where I work sometimes, key to my PO box, key to my bicycle, key to my safe. That's it. No tags or anything. I used to have a miniature flashlight on my keychain which was real handy, but I gave it away.
house key car key heart key.
Heart key?
"Statue Of Liberty."... O.K. I know Im Canadian---but I like to remember I am now FREE!!!!
horrible life
car dealer fob, door opener, car key, 3 store cards. No worry about ignition problems here!! But very hard finding in purse.
defd says I REFUSE to put those shopping cards on my keychain
Defd, Did you know if you lose your keys, the post office will deliver your keys to one of the addresses on the little cards, and the store office will mail your keys to you. Kroger FED-EXed overnight a co-workers keys, she had lost, while out of town. Enclosed a neat note also. Now I shop Kroger more often. It pays to be nice. HL
carabiner flashlight, keys, handcuff key (work related not pleasure), purell hand sanatizer (getting ready for the bird flu), cigar punch, dogtag (us flag on 1 side - Joshua 1:9 on the other).
I have zinnias and keys. I used to have mini license plates with my name on them from Colorado, Oregon and Michigan. Somehow, they worked themselves off the keychain though. The Zinnias are painted on metal and so pretty that to look at them calms me down. They were a gift to me from my daughter. I love zinnias. I pronounce the word zinnia like this: ZIN e-uh. I wonder if that's a southern thing?
Heart key?
ya, you know, the key to my heart. i keep it on my key chain. when i lose my keys, i just get the locksmith to mold a new one for me...