How come the elder's kids always got into trouble but YOUR kids got the reproof? The elders' families would rally around each other and put the blame on Brother Weak's kids. Eventually, people wise up.
While You Were A JW, What Things Struck You To Raise Your Eyebrows?
by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends
When the CO was coming for a visit, all the rivaling elders would scramble to bend his ear first! They all wanted to give him the lowdown on the others they didn't like and win his favors. Snagging him to have dinner before he had even officially arrived in town was a coupe. My dad said you could tell who'd got to him first because of the way he treated you! My dad was always the talked about black sheep because he didn't join the mad scramble to suck up. I wondered how all the slander and backstabbing could be coming from the true religion.
The huge waste of time, resources, and money at the Rosenburg ass hall in Texas. I knew a bro that resigned from the commitee there because of it.
I was just interested in information about this hall. What happened that made one come to regard it as a waste of time, money, etc.. I never did here any information about it that I can recall, is their a thread on it? Thanks for any info. Ticker
Probably the first thing I raised my eyebrows at finding out was that Special Pioneers recieved (at least at that time) money from the society to help them out with thier pioneering. Maybe it wasn't a big deal, but I was never comfortable with that. When we were told to stop asking for money for the literature and instead ask for donations---that was a red flag for me. I knew the organization was trying to be pre-emptive with possible legal matters. When the required hours per year was reduced for pioneers. This happened when I was out of the org, but I still raised my eyebrows. Very interesting for more that a few reasons. Oh, and when I was stricly ordered to stop writing letters to folks in order to maybe count one extra hour a month. I pointed out to the elder in the Org Book where it gave the example of doing so, but he would not hear it. He refused my reference and told me never to do it again. He would not hear me anymore. That was what precipitated my leaving the pioneer service.
Back to the oral sex thing. What I couldn't understand was when they said it was a homosexual act. If homosexuals did it then you shouldn't do it. Homosexuals kiss don't they? Does that mean married person shouldn't kiss?
My first eyebrow was raised at the tender age of 5. My brother was recently disfellowshipped. I LOVED my brother. I wasn't daddy's little girl I was my brother's little girl (he is a lot older than me). Well the PO was at my house telling my I was going to die at amargeddon if I didn't stop talking to my brother (the year was 1975). Who in their right mind tells a 5 yr old girl she is going to die for talking to someone she loves more than her mother or father. What crack was he smoking?!?! I think his crack was called Jim Beam. He was a grade A ass*&^%!!!
IP_Sec said:
Some times I would be struck, stunned, depressed at all the people I liked around me who were just meat sacks if they didnt change before The great day of god almighty. I guess that was the main reason for being so active in the ministry.
(In my best Butthead voice)
"Huh-huh-huh-huh...... You said MEAT sack! ...Huh-huh-huh-huh"
When we were really young mum used to always get us to meetings on time. We didn't make a peep or move the whole meeting because we were scared of getting smacked. One day after the meeting one of the hoity toity elders came up to my mum and us kids to give advice to her on how to raise her children. Keeping in mind that to our knowledge this elder had no children at all. Then mum went nuts yelling at him to mind his own business and that no one ever gave her any help bringing three young children to meetings & field service etc etc. this caused me to raise my eyebrows...
Then years later when he finally does have children and has the two brattiest daughters (twins) in the congregation who got away with blue murder.
Then a few years later his secret son turned up. Yes this elder had many years before had a sexual relationship with another woman and they had a child. She moved to another country and when the son was a teen decided that he needed to meet his father. The elder did not even get into trouble.
The way he would beat his son and lock him out of the house. His little spoilt brat twins never did a thing out of line. My friends family lived a few doors up from them and would take him in when the elder would not let him back in. Expecting him to sleep outside in the middle of winter (it gets extremely cold here in winter).
When his twins turned 17 and rebelled. One was pregnant by 18 the other one was a drug user and seen regularly about the place being a little skank.
I'd be interested to know what society material you found in regard to confession. This subject concerns me a lot especially as 20 years ago I had to go into graphic detail which I felt was pointless.
HI Telcomslee,
Welcome to the forum! Maybe someone can point to the 'confession' material you're looking for. I know that the "Pay Attention to the Flock" elder's manual has info, but I don't have an internet link that works.