MsMcDukets thread
What do you do when this board isn't enough?
MsMcDuket, I seem to have forgotten that there is a life outside of JWD. I lost my job last Christmas, so I lost my housekeeper. I stayed in bed for 5 months. I finally got up, and got a part time job. About the same time, I started lurking here. If I'm not working, I'm at the computer, here.
My house, shudder, is as bad as it gets. I am having a garage sale tomorrow. I have been piling up stuff in my living room for several months. Today I have to mark and plan. Yesterday at work,( 25 miles away) I mentioned the garage sale, fellow employees said they would come, and one asked if she could bring some stuff and stay. OMG I can't allow somebody in my house!!!!
I literally have dust from 1 year ago. I have new stuff still in packages. My teenager is a pig. I have junk mail stacked on my cabinet, all over, you can hardly even see the kitchen. I thought I was really doing something committing to a garage sale, advertising it, so I am committed. Have to get off my butt.
But I didn't commit for all of my new fellow co-workers to see that my family are total slobs. You know how people say their house is a mess, but you think, yeah right. Mine really is. I am so worried, that I dreamed that my whole office, including my boss came over, and they were just standing looking.
So I need everybody's help today, If you see me posting at all, please tell me to continue cleaning, and get my butt off of the computer. Thank you HL
I am as serious as a heart attack. And step-daughter is coming to town for Thanksgiving, I must be an idiot for getting in this mess.
If I could post a picture, you all would have bug eyes, and shake your heads. "How can people live like that?" Now mind you I have to take up for myself a little, there are no dirty dishes, the laundry is always kept up, (but hanging everywhere). It is just everything else.
As I accomplish something large today, I will run here, post what I have done, and continue, so please root me on. GO, GO, GO, GO