Hi guys I'm new here but been outta the JWS for 4 years. Born Again!

by biddie 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • gold_morning


    I became born again on October 27, 1999!! I was born and rasied a JW..(third generation).

    I have been out since the early 80's and lived 16 years in limbo away from God. In 1996 began a search for the real truth and spent 3 years searching. Finding Jesus changed my life... and filled what had been missing all along.

    God Bless, gold_morning

    message me if you like (smiling)

  • biddie


    Good to hear from you! I was baptized on January 5th of 02' So I am really a babe in Christ! Though I thought I knew The Lord before this... I know now, that He kept me from becoming a baptized Witness!

    I still can't believe how "brainwashed" I was! Biddie

  • HappyDad


    After over 30 years of being a JW .........rank and file publisher, ministerial servant, and elder, my eyes were finally opened all the way thanks to the internet and the grace of God.

    Am now a Christian (call it born again if you wish) as of March, 2000 and have never been happier.


  • Kaylen

    Welcome Biddie, It is the beauty of this board you can be or not be anything you like

  • happy man
    happy man

    This is fore me like going from bad to more bad.

    Going from JW to Born again is totalay unbelevebal fore mee, as born again you beleve in hell, when I was aktive JW the most arrogant was Born again, telling you that they was child of christ there goal was going on streets of gold in heaven, an others must suffer fore even in hell.

    Talking about terribel belife?

    If you think JW was unloving, what is this, no friends, this is only a new cult I understand that peopel need this, but I feel sorry fore them realy sorry, beacuse they have to face, no jesus come and take them away.

    Unother thing is ther love fore Bush, the history will have a heavy judgment fore this man, wait and see.

    love HM

  • Golf

    Greetings and welcome.


  • marsh

    Hi Biddie,welcome,

    I am new here too ,I am a Christian ex JW exRC.Baptised in 2,002.

    John 3:3 is very clear about being born again,these are Jesus words.many ex JWs are afraid of this but they need not be.Every religion throws up fanatics.false teachings/ers are everywhere.But it's not about a place but a person Jesus Christ....The New Birth is not just for 144,000 WT men.

    "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotton Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish ,but have everlasting life"

  • ellderwho

    Welcome to the forum,


  • kool aid man
    kool aid man

    Welcome to the board! We too are born again Christians. We both had the experience while still in the organization, what they would call members of the 144,000 group. We know now that is only one of the many misunderstood teachings of the Watchtower cult. WE were members for over forty years, and finally left a couple of years ago. Looking forward to reading more of your posts and, once again welcome!

  • Goldminer

    Welcome to the board Biddie.I'm looking forward to reading more of your comments.


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