Choosing a life of misery instead of divorce

by pennycandy 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Hey pennycandy, Don't have time to talk, I'm taking a small break from cleaning house

    If I stay too long, all posters are required to yell at me. Just wanted to say hi, and I will read your thread tomorrow, now that it will be in my archives. Enjoyed to apostafest and meeting you. Are you coming to eyebrow2's in Dec???? HL

  • Aude_Sapere

    Chat time is over HL.

    Keep your eyes on the prize: a tidy downstairs for when coworkers show up!!

    I apologize for th hijack... Back to the normally scheduled thread.


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Damn, you caught me. I'm pushing the chair away. I just love it here so much. Love HL thank you

  • BluesBrother

    You are so right, Pennycandy.. I have known a few in my time.

    The first that comes to mind is a "Pioneer sister" of mature years whose husband had left the congo and lived separately in the basement of their house. She would openly talk of how she wanted a nice new husband in the New World. She still lives that way now in her old age .Lots of others too .. Many make the mistake of viewing a successful marriage as simply one where the couple stay together

    The Watchtower used to encourage marrying a person simply because of their "Spiritual qualities" rather than really loving them.. A recipe for disaster....

  • Kaylen

    I think the the adultery rules are wrong. Having said that there are plenty of us that stay in miserable marriages when we no longer or had never had to go by those rules.

  • lonelysheep
    Would God really want someone miserable and unloved instead of divorcing? Especially since the majority of marriages take place at the beginning of adult life, when one still has so much changing and growing to do.

    I think if God can forgive murder then he can understand the need for a second chance.

    What do you think?

    When I still believed in God, I asked myself the same questions. What good does it do to be miserable just to say you're still married (provided you really want out of it). I don't like hate the fact that I was encouraged to stay with someone despite the marriage being loveless. Good grief...people grow apart. I'm at the point where I know exactly what qualities I want in a man, and if I don't have it, then there's no point in being married. Falling in love with anything less is impossible now.

    I just look at marriage so differently now then when I did as a studying dub-to-be. I think it can be a truly beautiful union with the right person. Actually being with that right person is an amazement in itself.

  • pennycandy

    Thanks for everyone's opinions. I empathize with everyone who's been through divorce, been there myself, it ain't no cakewalk.

    I too remember many horribly miserable people in the congo who were cheered on for staying with someone they didn't/couldn't love.

    HL, hey girl! Yep, I plan on being at Eyebrow's. See ya there. Now sweep that floor!

  • AlmostAtheist

    >> I'm at the point where I know exactly what qualities I want
    >> in a man, and if I don't have it, then there's no point in
    >> being married. Falling in love with anything less is
    >> impossible now.

    Trouble is, the perfect man today may/will grow into a jerk in 10 years. Making a forever decision based on today information just seems like such a mistake.


  • pennycandy

    So true AA!

    My husband was perfect for me at 20. But by 30, I was a seasoned wife and mother who wanted a house and yard and retirement account. And married to someone who still wanted to spend all night playing video games and sleep until noon and keep responsibilities to a bare minimum.

    Should I have to spend the rest of my life living in a college apartment being a mother to my husband?

  • FlyingHighNow

    Maybe if the whole village really did raise a child then divorce wouldn't be so disasterous for children.

    I got two divorces. I don't regret either one.

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