I THINK Jesus tried to take the law to a whole new level, not to enslave people but to set them free. For example, he said if a man even LOOKED at another woman, he was committing adultery in her heart. He'd already sinned; he'd fallen short of the ideal. Jesus RAISED THE BAR to emphasize that no man (or woman) can meet that standard without divine help. There is something wonderfully freeing knowing that there IS NO WAY I CAN DO THIS ON MY OWN.
Would he have approved of a loveless marriage held together with the bonds of the law? NO! The HIGHER LAW HAD ALREADY BEEN BROKEN.
I THINK Jesus' standard was to LOVE FULLY, COMPLETELY, ALWAYS. Now, that takes a lifetime to figure out, all by itself.
My husband was perfect for me at 20. But by 30, I was a seasoned wife and mother who wanted a house and yard and retirement account. And married to someone who still wanted to spend all night playing video games and sleep until noon and keep responsibilities to a bare minimum.
I don't see why you would bother getting married in the first place. I think when you get bored of one relationship you should just move on, have some single time and be friends. If you never get bored then you'll stay together without a contract.
The only reason I would marry is if I planned to have kids because its sweet for them to have parents who share a surname - however I'd have to hyphenate it as I won't give up Crumpet!