You have ignored addressing the scriptures where Jesus identifies Himself as the I AM, the OT God.
I am sorry I can`t address this particular part of your posts, because this is a HUUGE issue, on which there has been numerous threads in the past, involving the ones on the forum that knows most about this issue, LeoLaia, Narkissos, Joseph Malik, LittleToe, Cygnus (in no particular order). This thread is a good one to start:
...in which they discuss (I parttake in it too, although my knowledge and skills are pale compared to most of the others there) - this particular part of the NT that you are referring to, the "I AM"-statements of Jesus in John. I agree with you that it may look (particularly judging from the response Jesus gets from his audience when saying this, they chase him away, try to throw rocks etc, and also how they fall to the ground when Jesus says this in the garden when they come to arrest him, I like that part in John) like ...what you are saying it looks like. On the other hand, there is the linguistic discussion about the greek text (which is FAR from simple, I can assure you!!!), and then there`s the question what Jesus may have meant by these words. Should it be interpreted as him claiming to be "part of God" in a trinitarian sense? Or just a claim of divinity? Or should it be seen in relation to other passages in which he refers to himself as "the Son" and to the one who sent him as "the Father"? And if so, in a trinitarian or a non-trinitarian sense?
The list of questions is endless. Read carefully thru the thread I posted. Then start your own thread where you ask the specific questions about the nature of Christ. The starting point in this thread that I started here, is first and foremost about John 1, then, secondly, in relation to other parts of the NT, etc etc. You`re starting in the wrong end by asking your question here.
Edited to add: By the way, Ianone, the view you are supporting is called modalism, isn`t it? If so, this is not the doctrine I meant to support in my first post! I never meant to say that First God was the Father (yhwh), then the Son, then the holy ghost. This is NOT what I meant! I merely wanted to try to get into a discussion about John 1,1, to try to make some sense of it. I do NOT feel that the thoughts I expressed in the first post even resembles modalism, I see it as supporting trinitarianism..