Whitie must die!!!

by Elsewhere 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe


    Here is a link to the guy's website. I found this in part of his statement:

    Some have asked white people, referring here to the government and corporations, to just consider talking about reparations for Black people? Who is the bet qualified on this earth, other than the Afrikan, Black people, to receive justice, compensation, due process and whatever else the reparation people are proposing? Why are white people not listening to, and implementing, the National Urban League when it issues the annual report, “The State of Black America”? Why are white people not listening to, and implementing he suggestions of all the civic groups trying to advance the social, economic, educational, health and cultural concerns of Black people?

    Yup, white people are an evil race living in a "White World of Terror Domination," not taking care of the black people, wanting to kill them by forcing them to smoke cigarettes and live in New Orleans. . .I better just look at something else before I get pissed off.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >> "White people want to kill you, it's part of their plan.... I'm
    >> not going to waste my time trying to figure out why they want to do this, but they do."

    I like this guy. You gotta admire a dude that can tell you he's certain of things that he can't explain, can't in fact even be bothered to try to figure it out. He's got his mind made up, facts would just get in the way.


    Dave of the "no inclination to kill black people" class

  • SixofNine

    :"I wonder how he will define "white"? Will he gauge a person's skin? What is the threshold for "black enough" to not be "white"? What exactly is the cut-off skin tone?"

    lol, trust me David, you're toast.

    :"Where does that leave us halfsies?"

    Logic suggest he'll leave you alive, but comatose ;-)

  • stillajwexelder

    racist crap

  • Dune

    OMFG, the guy behind him towards the middle of the scene was my proffessor. No wonder WTS doesnt want us to go to college. LMAO. Before you guys go on and rant on this one. I'd like to make it clear that MOST black people dont believe that all white person is out to get us. I find it amazing how they get the craziest, most militant black men, put them on C-span and fox news network and let them rant. I hate it because whenever a truly reasonable, conscious black person wants to address these issues, all people can think about is the militant black guy who was ranting about killing whitey. In light of all this. Whether its covert or outright, I just want to make it clear that racism is alive and kicking in all of its forms. I doubt that you can compare this idiot to the KKK considering that they've killed hundreds of black men, women and children when he's probably never even touched a white person.

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