Here is a link to the guy's website. I found this in part of his statement:
Some have asked white people, referring here to the government and corporations, to just consider talking about reparations for Black people? Who is the bet qualified on this earth, other than the Afrikan, Black people, to receive justice, compensation, due process and whatever else the reparation people are proposing? Why are white people not listening to, and implementing, the National Urban League when it issues the annual report, “The State of Black America”? Why are white people not listening to, and implementing he suggestions of all the civic groups trying to advance the social, economic, educational, health and cultural concerns of Black people?
Yup, white people are an evil race living in a "White World of Terror Domination," not taking care of the black people, wanting to kill them by forcing them to smoke cigarettes and live in New Orleans. . .I better just look at something else before I get pissed off.