Underground Reformed JW movement

by RealNewLight 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    You want to make a real impression on the JWs? Get a bunch of these "reformers" to launch a simultaneous coordinated strike on on all bethels worldwide. The preferred weapon is old-light watchtower magazines that can be rolled up and used to beat the bethelites over their heads.


  • wednesday

    If I read from the Bible when answering a question, especially if it was not one the paragraph listed, I got very suspicious looks . Imagine that, Bible reading causing suspicious looks. I remember exchanging a meaningful look with an elder who was conducting our book study. He pubiclly thanked me for using the Bible to answer the questions. Now I realize what he was doing.. The reformers were there, we were all just too afraid to talk to each other.

    There is too much paranoia and fear among JWS to stay involved with them, even to try and help those still in. When they have doubts, they will find us.


  • Honesty
    AlmostAtheist: You are correct that theoretically their is not much of a difference between the movement and other non-denominational churches, but it would be almost impossible for any active JW to attend this church without being DF'd. It would also psychologically be very difficult for many who grew up within the society to completley leave behind the organziation which helped raise them, and in this way they can slowly move out of the mind control of the organization. This movement allows those with questions about the organization to begin asking and finding information about these questions, and then allows them to decide what they wish to do with the answers they have discovered themselves.

    Sounds all good and well until you read God's word and then it all becomes so clear that reform of a religion controlled by a corporation that meets all the criteria of an antichrist is not only futile but also unhealthy for any who try to stay in it no matter what the reasons.

    Mark 8:38 For whoever is ashamed of Me and of My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.”

    Rev 18:4 Then I heard another voice from heaven:

    Come out of her, My people,

    so that you will not share in her sins,

    or receive any of her plagues.

  • RealNewLight

    You can leave an organization in your heart, while still phsycially being part of it in order to help others leave the organizations in their heart.

  • garybuss

    The ONLY thing different about the Jehovah's Witnesses IS their belief in the authority of the Governing Body and the Governing Body's odd teachings like invisible wars and little gods and dates like 1914. If you take away the Jehovah's Witness's belief in the Governing Body and their weird teachings all you have left is an empty piss bucket.

  • Honesty
    You can leave an organization in your heart, while still phsycially being part of it in order to help others leave the organizations in their heart.

    That's not what Revelation 18:4 says. A dear friend of mine who was in the first congregation I ever attended left and is now following Jesus instead of the FDS without me staying inside and helping her out of it. Another one is now out and free without my physical presence in the hall. What do you think happens to someone if they die while still in the WT religion if the soul and body are separate as Jesus said they are?

  • RealNewLight

    What Revelations 18:4 says is up to interpretation, which is the point. If someone wants to leave the organization completely, more power to them. But their are many who cannot, or do not want to leave the organziation for many reasons, and for those, this is a good alternative we believe.

  • Honesty
    But their are many who cannot, or do not want to leave the organziation for many reasons, and for those, this is a good alternative we believe.

    How true. I just couldn't continue living the WT lie no matter what the cost.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >> If you take away the Jehovah's Witness's belief in the Governing Body and their weird teachings all you have left is an empty piss bucket.

    At least then the bOrg would be useful for something! Maybe we've found their niche?


  • Thegoodgirl

    This is a good first step to gettiing out of the organization. I think, though, that this is sort of a phase that lasts about 3 months, where you say, "Gee, I wish things were more flexible, I wish I could raise a question here about birthdays, or everything is just perfect EXCEPT that one little part about disfellowshipping. That's the only thing I just don't totally agree with."

    Then later, when you decide in your mind that you will doubt that one thing, you start to losen their powerful controlling grip on your mind. Suddenly you allow yourself to do things like go to college, go out with worldly people, and then suddenly the whole JW thing just falls apart in your mind, and your realize it's okay. No big deal. No lighteninig bolt will strike.

    SO, keep going with the reforming thing if that's what is workinig for you, it will help you and other people take that first step of questioning things.

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