Underground Reformed JW movement

by RealNewLight 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • TopHat
    The reason for posting is just to inform about its existance, and just to let people know that it can be done within their own congregations. I understand the skeptisizm, and it really doesnt matter. Im not claiming this is a huge movement, and its actually impossible for me or anybody to know how large it or small it is, but i can tell you that in my congregation their are 4 others who i speak to about this. And I know of 8 or 9 congregations in my area (I live in an area with MANY hispanic congregations) in which their are people who agree with this movement.
    IP: 8jawjLp+Vbvm3vfH

    Welcome NEWLIGHT....Perhaps the movement you speak of is the disturbing news the Elders have been concerned with last week.

  • wanda

    I read in history books a revolution occurs in the minds of the people long before they actually are able to consumate it.

    Watchtower is an organization all right, a BURNT-OUT organization due to its intimidating, bullying, threatening, namecalling tactics.

    The longer it exists the more it uses the tactics, constantly running the best people down into its mud until finally some will go from passive resistance to more pronounced resistance such as leaving about anti-Watchtower notes in the kingdom halls (also assembly/convention sites) themselves.

    Are the Governing Body and its toadies pleased now? The day will come when they themselves cancel their own conventions out of fear that they will be used as forums for anti-Watchtower expressions.

    The old tower is leaning downwards more that ever. For how long? The day is getting shorter by the seconds.

    For everyone who has already left a thousand have wished they could so, yes, it is a MOVEMENT, a revolutionary movement for the best. Keep it up, friends!

  • RealNewLight

    Hi again. The website was discovered and was forced taken down, but that was probably a good thing. The more discreet this can be kept the better in my opinion. It is very difficult to know how many people are part of this "movement" because we stress keeping the contact and the communication as local as possible. We are not trying to form a large Reformed JW Movement, but rather thousands of small ones all around the country, and hopefullyt the world. We know for certain that the movement exists among spanish congregations in New York City, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Miami, and Portuguese congregations in New York City and Miami. Of course their are people with doubts and disagreements in every congregation, but this is where we know their are people who know and associate themselved with this loosely organized movement.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >> The website was discovered and was forced taken down

    What web site? And more interestingly, how could anyone force it to be taken down?


  • RealNewLight

    One of the people who originally came up with the idea of this loosely organized movement had originally created a website for it, which was very harmless, basically just for communication purposes. However, he shared it with someone who was originally sympathetic to our ideas, and this person later threatened to share it with the elders of his congregation. Either way, it is probably better, because a website would make it too out in the open, and would make it easier to strike down and demonize by the WTS.

  • TopHat

    IMHO, Aren't some of you on here putting much to much importance into the Watchtower organisition than it deserves?

  • Kenneson

    I began a thread on this topic in July of this year. See


    Unless you are with another similar group, that site is still open.


  • RealNewLight

    We are part of another similar group, but thank you for the link. That is a very interesting website which i have seen before and is very well put together.

  • stillajwexelder

    Possibly the start of the witch-hunt - on the face of it good -slowly get drawn in so they can find names oof all the apostates and lurkjers and then a mass disfellowshipping- I would not trust this until we have some major history and a lot more information about them.

  • ozziepost

    Stilla: I'm watching with interest! RNL:

    This is also a great conversation starter (online usually) for example "Hey, you know i talked to (insert DF'd young brother/sister here) for a while..." and see what reaction you get.

    Dopwnunder this would be a great DF starter!

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