does anyone realy know how many 144,000 are realy left?

by lied too 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lied too
    lied too

    i have been talking to some friends of mine both in and out of the "CULT". and the one thing that no one can come up with is how many of the socalled 144,000 are left, i would estamate there to be atleast 145,000 still kicking today. if any one out there know's of a number and not the number put in the watchtower, i mean realy do you belive all you read. The one thing that all of us can come up with though is that we all had at least 1-3 of the socalled anointed in are halll. so if any one would let me know maybe we can get some what of a servy going and we can see just how many of the 144,000 we can come up with.


    lied too

  • coolhandluke

    i say there are zero

    CHL (of the not too keen on believing in anything these days class)

  • BluesBrother

    With the report for 2004 putting the reported number at 8570,and the report for 2003 at 8565, seems like they are multiplying rather than decreasing . Surely something wrong somewhere???

    With an average age well past the biblical "threescore and ten" and an expected morbidity rate no less than the general population... I think someone is yanking the WTS chain here.

    Every memorial there is a strong reminder that one must not take the emblems unless you are really a bona fide anointed remnant, there must be a lot of people who do not respect the G B and think that they are the exception .

    In my day, we did not report the old ladies who were brought along to their first memorial meeting and who supped the wine, thinking it was the same as their church. Neither did we count the schizophrenic brother who was a bit delusional one year and took the emblems thinking that God had called him [ He soon got over it when the doctor sorted out his meds again ]

    Those who claim to know a thing or two will talk in hushed tones about the number of the "Real anointed" which the Society believe to be very much lower than the published figure..

    You would think that a reall "Spirit Directed" organization would not get itself into this muddle

  • vitty

    When I joined over 20 years ago there were about 8 thousand plus.

    Today ?.........Theres about 8 thousand plus

  • TopHat
    When I joined over 20 years ago there were about 8 thousand plus.

    Today ?.........Theres about 8 thousand plus

    AND they are getting younger.....with the WTS blessing.

  • jwfacts

    The WTS believes that there are in reality far fewer than the 8000 partakers. They have had articles to say that it is highly unlikely anyone is receiving the calling anymore, and to be careful against taking the emblems if you have a history of mental illness or are going through some form of trauma in your life.
    In otherwords, most of the anointed are considered to be insane.

  • Honesty

    In the halls I attended all the rank and file made snide comments and gossiped about the 'annointed ones' we had. I've even heard some of them say that Sista Superpioneer can't be annointed because she drinks too much or Brutha Doodoodontsmell can't be annointed because he acts so high and mighty. I don't believe any of them are 'annointed with Holy Spirit. Oh, they've got spirits all right and most of it is from a bottle.

  • Outaservice

    The whole teaching is a 'sham' and has no basis in reality. Some ex-JW's that have been out of the organization for years now, still refer to it being 'The Truth'. What does that mean? And to say that there is a remnant of 144,000 anointed ones associated with Jehovah's Witnesses is absurb and a myth.

    So, how many are left? There were never any in the first place!

    Outaservice (One of the 'Great Crowd' LOL)

  • blondie

    More partake than the WTS consider "truly" or "genuine" anointed. That way they can CYA if the number goes up and down and up and down or flatlines.

    *** w00 1/15 p. 13 "Keep on the Watch" ***

    Sixth, the number of genuine anointed disciples of Christ is dwindling, though some will evidently still be on earth when the great tribulation begins. Most of the remnant are quite elderly, and over the years the number of those who are truly anointed has been getting smaller.

    *** w98 2/15 p. 15 Jehovah Brings Many Sons to Glory ***

    Rather, Jehovah’s spirit has engendered in truly anointed ones a hope and desire uncommon to humans in general

    *** w97 8/15 pp. 14-15 Living for Today or for an Eternal Future? ***

    Consider the text at Revelation 7:1, 3, which says that the "four winds" of destruction are held back "until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads." This is not referring to the initial sealing, which takes place when those of the 144,000 receive the heavenly calling. (Ephesians 1:13) It refers to the final sealing, when they are irrevocably identified as tried and faithful "slaves of our God." The number of genuine anointed sons of God surviving on earth is greatly diminished. Furthermore, the Bible clearly states that it is "on account of the chosen ones" that the opening phase of the great tribulation will be "cut short." (Matthew 24:21, 22) Most of those professing to be of the anointed are quite elderly. Again, would this not indicate that the end is close at hand?


    w97 9/15 p. 14 Will You Be Faithful Like Elijah? ***

    With zeal like that of Elijah, the small remnant of genuine anointed Christians have discharged their responsibility of caring for the earthly interests of the enthroned King, Jesus Christ.

    *** w73 12/1 p. 732 Jehovah Brings ‘Sealing’ of His Chosen Ones to a Close ***


    What will those truly of the anointed spiritual Israelites now be doing? They will set themselves vigorously to caring for the Kingdom interests, ministering to the "other sheep."


    yb74 p. 32 1974 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses ***
    At their Kingdom Halls on that evening there were 3,994,924 persons in attendance world wide, and 10,523, professing to be spirit-anointed Christians, partook of the emblems, the bread and the wine
  • nicolaou

    That's interesting Blondie. When I was 'in' I'd read those sorts of comments and just assume that words like 'genuine' and 'truly' were to differentiate between us (the JW's) and them (Christendom).

    It never occured to me that the Society doubted the claims of the anointed...I mean, they're ANOINTED!


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