Since it is nothing more then a misunderstood part of Christian myth, I would say none. If I were answering as a person who is saying, "This is how many Witnesses think they are ... " Then I would say, "from what I have read and seen, the number seems higher then it was when I was a child and I think this is caused by less importance put on the date 1914 and the whole generations things."
does anyone realy know how many 144,000 are realy left?
by lied too 37 Replies latest jw experiences
Nathan Natas
Actually, Carmel, 144,000 = 12^3 x 1,000 or approx. 52.5^3.
12,000^3 = 1,728,000,000,000 (almost 2 trillion)
Which by the way, is how many ancient worthies can dance on the head of a pin.
The published number has been static around 8500 for many years no -seems strange to me
He said "metaphorically speaking!!!!!" (Carmel that was hilarious.)
Clearly Jehovah is blessing him as he does the
insipidinspired ones! -
Auld Soul those supposedly annointed of 1935 are not 70 now unless they were all infants at the time. Unless infant or small child baptism occured I suppose the youngest baptised were around 15 yo which makes them 90 today. And of course the rest were in 1935 any age up to 90. Conclusion: there should be today around 200-300 "annointed" and if that.
But of course the 144 000 theory is easily exploded by an even cursory examination of christian history there simply were/are many times more christians than that number. In Jerusalem alone right at the start there were tens of thousands of believers as the book of acts informs us at 21:20, "You see brother how many TENS OF THOUSANDS of Jews have believed?"
It's interesting to note that JW bible, no doubt intentionally mistranslated that verse to read "thousands of jews" instead of "tens of thousands" because apparently the genuine original had a negative effect on the 144 000 dogma. The Greek word myriades means tens of thousands, never thousands.
If you take out the 52 000 of "anointed" in 1935 from 144 000 that leaves 92 000 and since the early christian church in Israel already had tens of thousands of believers, where do you fit the hundreds of thousands martyred by the Romans and by powers outside the Roman empire, plus those not martyred, and all the other genuine christians of the 1600 years beyond? Note that the WTS aknowledges that the emperor Domitian killed 40 000 christians towards the end of the first century at the time when John was exiled to Patmos.
If only for argument's sake we deduct those 40 000 from the 92 000 that leaves 52 000 which over 1600 years averages 32. According to the WTS there were globally on average 32 genuine Christians per year from the end of Roman persecutions in 313 AD to 1935. Is that in the least way credible? -
hillbilly heard that here, first!..................
Neither did we count the schizophrenic brother who was a bit delusional one year and took the emblems thinking that God had called him
Hmmm whearas any other brother that believes that god has called him and that when he dies he will be transfigured into heaven and sit before the throne of God with 143,999 other ones is not delusional I presume.
I heard recently from a dub that the number of "genuine" anointed is much less the the 8000+. Someone from the ivory towers told her that it could be as low as 4000.