No really! About 12 years ago I developed a cataract in my right-hand eye after an injury. The surgeon went in and removed my natural lens and implanted an artificial one. The way they remove the natural lens is they use a little device to chop it up and then they just pluck the bits-n-pieces out.
What has happened is when they did the surgery 12 years ago they missed a piece of the chopped up lens because it was hiding behind my iris. Well, this morning it decided to pop out from behind my iris and show itself!
Don't worry, I didn't feel a thing. There was absolutely no pain. I had no idea it happened until this morning when I happened to look at my eye in the mirror while getting ready for work. There it was! Plan as day, a little white thing in my pupil!
Scared the crap out of me! I rushed to the nearest eye Dr who was able to diagnose what happened and scheduled an appointment with another Dr for tomorrow evening. He said this Dr is who he sends all of his "mystery" patients who have very strange conditions. I guess he is the eye doctor version of Dr. House.
The Dr is trying to get the piece to slide back behind the iris by putting me on two types of eye drops. One to dilate the eye and another that is an anti-inflammatory. With luck the bit of lens will just fall back to where it was hiding before. If this does not work the surgeon will have to operate again and physically remove the bit from my eye. If this happens I think I'll upgrade my artificial lens. They've come a long way in 12 years and there are much better lenses available. I guess you could say I'd like to upgrade my eye!
I've attached three images below. The first is the plan image of my eye with no notes. The other two have little notes pointing out the important features so you know what you are looking at. The Artificial Lens that is pointed out is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about, I just thought it was neat to actually see it. The "piece of old lens that was accidentally left inside" is what is wrong. My eye is also dilated, so the iris looks really big and open.
I took the pictures with my regular home digital camera. It has a nice "micro" feature that lets me zoom in close on small things.