Why God Cannot Have Used Evolution....

by Shining One 107 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Abaddon


    The question is only that his conclusions are sound, logical reasoning.

    Errr... what are you on? He admitted in court that his definition of theory was so broad it could include astrology! Yet you say "his conclusions are sound, logical reasoning"!!! So, defining the pseudo-science of astrology as a scientific theory (which it is not) in order to make the definiton of a theory slack enough to include the pseudo-science of IDotism is "sound, logical reasoning". If you think so, your bia and inability to draw a conclusion that is not wharped by your presuppostions is displayed very clearly for all to see. If you can't see it, no problemo; I have made it clear before your 'use' here is as a 'shining' example of how poor and insubstansial pseudo-scientific claims by religious literalists are, and how little they know about the scientific issues they claim they know about.

    So now you slander his reputation and attempt to 'poison the well' also?

    No, not slander; I reported fact, as he himself admitted in a court of law, and draw conclusions supported by his own statements You, in fact, lie about what I said; not the fisrt time you have streached the truth in a post (like the claim you studied evolution yet can't even define it).

    Behe's argument against your pet philosophy has been around for years and his conclusions have held up well.

    Shiney, the fact YOU think it has "held-up well", when you continually display a very poor understanding of evolution (despite having claimed to have studied it), means precisely NOTHING. Time and time again you show you don't know enough to have a competent opinion; something you seem to share with Behe, as his ineptitude in court displays all-too clearly.

  • Abaddon


    This is getting pathetic Rex; I have posted analysis of AiG and similar websites showing on a point-by-point basis how deceptive they are. No one in the 'Literal Creationist' lobby (such as yourself) has managed to rebutt these posts.

    Yet without making any effort what-so-ever to substansiate your claims you say;

    They assert without valid evidence and make claims that can be suited as easily to a creationist world-view.

    Go on then; prove it. Or just carrying on being the empty vessel/clashing cymbal that YOUR OWN WORDS (or lack of them) show you to be. I don;t care either way. You might, if you made the effort, actually post something worthwhile enough to be interesting to reply to in your attempt to refute articles on Talk Origins. By making empty claims all you do is show EVERYONE that your entire philosphy tastes of ashes.

    Man, if I were Jesus I would certainly want followers who could make a more competent defence of their beliefs...

  • seattleniceguy

    Hi all,

    Looks like I've been missing a lively debate. I'm out the door right now, but I just wanted to post the link to my thread on randomness:

    The long and short of it is: Randomness is NOT necessary for evolution to function. In the actual universe, true randomness probably exists, and that's okay too. But evolution would work just fine even in a totally mechanistic, non-random universe.


  • hooberus

    Abaddon said:

    I have posted analysis of AiG and similar websites showing on a point-by-point basis how deceptive they are. No one in the 'Literal Creationist' lobby (such as yourself) has managed to rebutt these posts.

    Many of them have been rebutted:





    Others as well are more of a demonstration of ignorance on your part rather than "dishonesty" or ; "incompetence" etc. the part of AiG. Take for example your accusations regarding radiocarbon dating (on the thread located at: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/100566/1735328/post.ashx#1735328 ) Your C14 comments beginning with: "Sadly this behaviour continues; . . ." and finishing with: "This is either deliberately misleading or a sign of lack of competence in even the most basic knowledge of radiocarbon dating" regarded the following in the below AiG arcticle:



    The closer one gets back to the Flood the more inaccurate the linear extrapolation of the carbon clock would become, perhaps radically so. Conventional carbon-14 dating assumes that the system has been in equilibrium for tens or hundreds of thousands of years, and that 14 C is thoroughly mixed in the atmosphere. However, the Flood buried large quantities of organic matter containing the common carbon isotope, 12 C, so the 14 C/ 12 C ratio would rise after the Flood, because 14 C is produced from nitrogen, not carbon. These factors mean that early post-Flood wood would look older than it really is and the ‘carbon clock’ is not linear in this period (see The Answers Book, chapter 4).


    If a person takes the time to research the above points of Dr. Batten in light of his additionally referenced source: "The Answers Book, chapter 4" [Chapter 4 is online here: http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs2002/carbon_dating.asp and is also found as the first arcticle in the "Get Answers" arcticle index "Radimetric Dating" on the AiG Site] and then tries to understand them you will find that there is no "dishonesty"; "incompetence" etc. involved. This can also be supported by the following paper from 4 other scientists (read the paragraph sentence under the heading "WHAT WAS THE PRE-FLOOD 14C LEVEL?"): http://www.icr.org/pdf/research/RATE_ICC_Baumgardner.pdf

    Furthermore, what about the errors on your own preferred site (talkorigins) ? Here are some from a "must read" talkorigins arcticle:




  • ellderwho


    Thanks, although I believe I stumbled across it, happy T-day.


  • kid-A
  • Abaddon


    The problem with evolution, Dave, is that it is just another part of just another religion. Evolution is as absurd, as narrow minded, as ultimately insupportable as the JW tripe I'm lately rid of, and I don't need another religion, be it organised, disorganised, or entropic. The JWs didn't teach me all that much, but a couple of things I did learn was 1. how to spot bullshit and 2. to not sit quietly as its being dispensed. Do yourself a favor and look at the "proponents" of evolution throughout history and see what their agendas were really about. You love to trash Russell and Rutherford(albeit, for very well earned reasons), why don't you apply the same scepticisim to the crackpots that came up with the Evolution wizardry? Or will you be thrown out of some club? Personnaly, I'm not much impressed with a flock of jackoffs that couldn't hack med school and somehow see similarities between chimpanzees and human beings as meaningful. Don't forget, these are the same geniuses that brought us such wonders as phrenology and canals on Mars.

    Oh my god. What a load of flame-bait!!

    The problem with evolution, Dave, is that it is just another part of just another religion.

    Not if you use dictionaries it isn't.

    Evolution is as absurd, as narrow minded, as ultimately insupportable as the JW tripe I'm lately rid of, and I don't need another religion, be it organised, disorganised, or entropic.

    What do you know about evolution? You make very bold claims; are they just hot air or can you support them?

    The JWs didn't teach me all that much, but a couple of things I did learn was 1. how to spot bullshit and 2. to not sit quietly as its being dispensed.

    But your critical thinking skills seem in need of development.

    Do yourself a favor and look at the "proponents" of evolution throughout history and see what their agendas were really about. You love to trash Russell and Rutherford(albeit, for very well earned reasons), why don't you apply the same scepticisim to the crackpots that came up with the Evolution wizardry? Or will you be thrown out of some club? Personnaly, I'm not much impressed with a flock of jackoffs that couldn't hack med school and somehow see similarities between chimpanzees and human beings as meaningful. Don't forget, these are the same geniuses that brought us such wonders as phrenology and canals on Mars.

    You illustrate quite nicely here your absence of knowledge or your complete and utter bias. We see here you attacking the agenda's of "the "proponents" of evolution throughout history". What, you mean the agenda of Darwin, a religious man before and after his publication of Origins (but less so after the death of his children)? Pity your knowledge of evolution doesn't even permit you to contend with ONE fact in your post, despite you lambasting it in a wide and vague fashion and ad hom-ing (in a clueless fashion) anyone with anything to do with it.

    I assume as you CAN'T fight the facts (you would if you could), you just spew poison. Seems it is you who have fallen for the empty headed thought-stopping that claims people only believe in evolution if they have an ulterior motive. Your words give me this impression; by all means, feel free to says things that will make me change my mind. Less bluster, more facts please.

    Similarly showing your serious need to start thinking or reading, preferably BOTH, we have you characterising the entire scientific establishment (as even in the USA most scientists believe in evolution) as "a flock of jackoffs that couldn't hack med school". You show how unreasoned your argument is by comparing evolutionary theory to phrenology and the canals on Mars.

    Let me see, what evidence do we have for phrenology? Ooo... as much as for most religions. None. Was there any at the time? No, not that would be considered evidence by scientists today - although more than enough evidence to start a religion by religionist's standards of evidence!

    That it may or may not have been a popular pseudo-science fad (just as there are pseudo-science fads to this day) is not relevant. It never had any reputable evidence behind it.

    The idea of canals on Mars was a product of over-active imagination and poor instrumentation being used for observation. To use it to attack all of science shows you have no balance and a rather big fat agenda of your own, be it toward some belief or self-aggrandisement.

    Evolution on the other hand had, has and will have more evidence for it, both in the past and now, as it can be seen happening around us. I have no wish to educate someone who is ignorant of those simple facts (as your own words show you to be), so suggest you show exactly how much you know about evolution by pointing out specific problems with it. In your own words; no cut and paste heroics please, we have enough of people C&Ping stuff that uses an arguments they probably can't fully understand as they haven't the background knowledge to assess the argument in a reasonable way and therefore just go for what tickles their ears. Further flame-baiting or vague waffling or wanton C&P will just be laughed at or ignored.


    Many of them have been rebutted


    (I replace hooberus's selection of pages or posts within a thread with the first page of the thread. I am sure he would not want to create a false impression of whether something had been successfully rebutted by directing people to parts of the thread that might give this impression when the entire thread is far more illuminating in this regard.)

    I can't believe you consider THAT a rebuttal, especially as you bailed on the thread (again). A successful rebuttal is not just replying. A successful rebuttal is showing you are right, which you signally do not do.

    You even conceded on that thread that there should have been links from the articles I attacked to the correspondence. AiG, in two separate articles, makes much of what it claims is a sample containing wood. They make no mention what-so-ever in these articles that the identity of the material in the sample is disputed by the very people who analysed it for them; they use part of the analysis but don't mention the part of the analysis that would rubbish the claims they want to make. This is unprofessional, deceptive (even if unintentional) and typical of that website.


    Now this is a hysterical; a petulant whine about how the evil evolutionary establishment silence the clear truth of the ID/Creationist hero. I urge anyone who gives a damn to read this thread as its a delightful illustration of how Creationists would expect plumbers to competently transplant body organs. It also shows the tactics used, either out of cynical intentional deceit or sheer incompetence, by Creationists and ID-ots in defending their beliefs. And YOU think it's a successful rebuttal? Let the reader use discernment and decide exactly how reliable the judgement of someone who would reach that conclusion might be.


    Thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/74371/1.ashx
    Abaddon: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/74371/1200867/post.ashx#1200867

    Another instance where your self-deception reaches effulgent heights. People may read the thread, or hooberus's post and my reply to it. Either will clearly show that no successful rebuttal is made and anyone who made this claim was either gambling on no one actually reading the link he'd provided, or a sandwich short of a picnic.

    Others as well are more of a demonstration of ignorance on your part rather than "dishonesty" or ; "incompetence" etc. the part of AiG. Take for example your accusations regarding radiocarbon dating (on the thread located at:
    http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/100566/1735328/post.ashx#1735328 )
    Your C14 comments beginning with: "Sadly this behaviour continues; . . ." and finishing with: "This is either deliberately misleading or a sign of lack of competence in even the most basic knowledge of radiocarbon dating" regarded the following in the below AiG arcticle:

    Oh dear hoberus, now you're being sloppy. First of all this is just idiotic C & Ping. If you had read my post you would be able to say SPECIFICALLY what was in error in it. Instead you simply post the very article I take apart. So, a simple version for your benefit; any ignorance is not on my part. AiG say;

    However, the Flood buried large quantities of organic matter containing the common carbon isotope, 12C, so the 14C/12C ratio would rise after the Flood, because 14C is produced from nitrogen, not carbon. These factors mean that early post-Flood wood would look older than it really is and the ‘carbon clock’ is not linear in this period.

    As anyone who reads the link to my original post can see, I point out the stunning level of incompetence or deception displayed by someone making the above claim you quote.

    1. They completely forget that the "large quantities of organic matter containing the common carbon isotope, 12C", would also contain (because it was ORGANIC matter) C14, and that thus there would be no change in "14C/12C ratio".
    2. The entire article also seems to think that C14 is ONLY produced in the atmosphere (wrong).
    3. And, as usual, you ignore the fact the Flood DIDN'T happen.

    Trotting up and down asking for people to complement you on your trousers when you have none... it's funny.

    I have shown that there is ample, reliable biological, radiological, and archaeological evidence indicating a literal interpretation of Genesis and the Flood account are by definition wrong, as trees were growing and Pyramids basking in the Egyptian sun before, during and after the supposed dates of the Flood. There's scads of more 'didn't happen' evidence too, and NO evidence that it DID happen.

    Despite having failed to refute this evidence (if you spent as much time trying to refute it as blaming me for you not refuting it you could have a half-decent attempt at refuting it, but no, it's my fault you can't refute it obviously, god's truth has to hide because you're thin skinned apparently), you carry on IGNORING it and making claims BASED ON IT HAPPENING.

    This supposed back-up to your claims; http://www.icr.org/pdf/research/RATE_ICC_Baumgardner.pdf simply compounds this error from the abstract onward. It assumes the Flood to be fact throughout, when THERE IS NO PROOF. Is there any surprise this is a Creationist-only, non-peer reviewed paper? No.

    And it also, either out of sheer ignorance or the desire to deceive, ignores the fact that the simple explanation for very small amounts of C14 in any sample is C14 is NOT JUST PRODUCED IN THE ATMOSPHERE. I see no reason to illuminate you as to the process, or as to why this would be a variable rather than a constant as regards its effects on fossils, or to tell you whether it is a contaminant or something ingrained in the structure of the fossil, as you obviously don't know, and this further illustrates the point I continually make.

    Quite frankly, given the scale of error you show in the above, I won't bother with your vague claim;

    Furthermore, what about the errors on your own preferred site (talkorigins) ? Here are some from a "must read" talkorigins arcticle:

    .. about these links;




    ... until you actually specify what they are. As you notice, I say AiG is a pile of donkey poo AND GIVE EXAMPLES WHY IN DETAIL. Please, with your great knowledge of evolutionary science and biology, say what specific Talk Origins articles are in error and why. Wouldn't want you to be an empty vessel and clashing cymbal now, would we?

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Hey Abaddon,
    I set you up and Hooberus knocked you down. Yet you still keep quacking away with long-winded and endless rants that are based on your own presuppositions. You keep running that merry go round and the same tune plays from the caliope. The tune is off-key but plays on and on.......
    You are stating an opinion and yours is no better, no more reasonable and no more evidenciary than any of ours. We can all play 'quote the experts' for days on end yet it all boils down to axioms and presuppositions that are the basis for our conclusions. At the worst our opinions are in a tie. You lose in a tie and do you know why? The simplest explanation wins. We are obviously designed as is our universe and God is at the heart of it all. God is no longer 'in the dock' as C.S. Lewis put it, evolution is in the dock and were it proposed today as a new theory it would die an obscure death. The deeper science probes and the more evidence it sifts the more complex things turn out to be. Irreducible complexity is a 'stake in the heart' of the junk science of evolution, which is itself the heart of naturalism.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    >Errr... what are you on? He admitted in court that his definition of theory was so broad it could include astrology!
    Genetic fallacy again....
    >Yet you say "his conclusions are sound, logical reasoning"!!!
    Exactly, they have not been refuted.
    >So, defining the pseudo-science of astrology as a scientific theory (which it is not) in order to make the definiton of a theory slack enough to include the pseudo-science of IDotism is "sound, logical reasoning".
    Straw man.....
    >If you think so, your bia and inability to draw a conclusion that is not wharped by your presuppostions is displayed very clearly for all to see.
    Ad hominem......
    >If you can't see it, no problemo; I have made it clear before your 'use' here is as a 'shining' example of how poor and insubstansial pseudo-scientific claims by religious literalists are, and how little they know about the scientific issues they claim they know about.
    Ad hominem again. Get off the merry go round, Abaddon!

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Hey KidA,
    Isn't it ironic that the whole series of pictures was originally inspired by a single tooth from a pig? LOL, the quack theory of evolution dies a horrible death.

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