Why God Cannot Have Used Evolution....

by Shining One 107 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AlmostAtheist

    The problem with evolution, Dave, is that it is just another part of just another religion. Evolution is as absurd, as narrow minded, as ultimately insupportable as the JW tripe I'm lately rid of, and I don't need another religion, be it organised, disorganised, or entropic. The JWs didn't teach me all that much, but a couple of things I did learn was 1. how to spot bullshit and 2. to not sit quietly as its being dispensed. Do yourself a favor and look at the "proponents" of evolution throughout history and see what their agendas were really about. You love to trash Russell and Rutherford(albeit, for very well earned reasons), why don't you apply the same scepticisim to the crackpots that came up with the Evolution wizardry?

    Or will you be thrown out of some club?

    I'm all about skepticism, and I freely admit that I'm naive and gullible. It's a deadly combination. :-/

    I don't see evolution as a religion. It is well-supported by facts, not just conjecture. You're not under any obligation to believe it, and I don't think you'd feel 'Dawkins in yer heart' if you finally get 'saved'. But the only thing you've presented is the word "entropy" as an argument against it, and from that you've progressed to calling it an 'absurd religion'. I can't say it strikes me as a good argument.

    Have you actually researched evolutionary theory?

    But yeah, it's mainly about being in the club. :-) (We offer reduced-rate beer-of-the-month club subscriptions, you ought to join!)


  • ellderwho


    The point is that while randomness plays a role in creating mutations that natural selection can draw from,....."

    This idea seems to be putting the cart before the horse, it assumes that natural selection exist prior to randomness starting things. And that natural selection knows what naturally its suposed to do. The end result would be nature taking its own random course, which in turn would not be natural law, just random nature. I think?

    Anyway I'd like to take a look at how SNGs thread puts it together.


  • Shining One
    Shining One

    >Why do you feel quoting incompetent and incautious 'scientists' is a good thing to do to support your superstisions Shiny?

    What's this, are you using a genetic fallacy? LOL The question is only that his conclusions are sound, logical reasoning. So now you slander his reputation and attempt to 'poison the well' also? Behe's argument against your pet philosophy has been around for years and his conclusions have held up well.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Don't quote me anything from 'talk origins'. They assert without valid evidence and make claims that can be suited as easily to a creationist world-view.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    You are up against Pascal's Wager. Christianity wins almost by default once you realize that there is a God out there who cares and is involved to the most finite details in finding 'lost sheep'. Yea, I know I am breaking the logical rules here. No religion explains the problem of evil as well as Chrsitianity and if you follow the sage advice of Jesus you do reach a state of abundant life that no one can take from you.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    LOL rex, you're so full of hot air man.

  • Satanus


    You are up against Pascal's Wager.

    Pascal's wager was presented to atheists. I'm not atheist. I'm sort of a mystic pantheist. Demonised, no doubt, to you.

    Christianity wins almost by default once you realize that there is a God out there who cares and is involved to the most finite details in finding 'lost sheep'.

    The god out there? Like i said, the god about whom you talk may be out there somewhere. There is much more right here, right now, and in everything. It leaves your god out there looking so small cus he's so far away.

    Yea, I know I am breaking the logical rules here.

    What else is new?

    No religion explains the problem of evil as well as Chrsitianity

    Christianity needs evil to exist. You could say that no religion exploits the idea as well as does christianity.

    and if you follow the sage advice of Jesus you do reach a state of abundant life that no one can take from you.

    Many thoughts described as coming from jesus also occur to mystics on their own.


  • Frogleg


    our thread has been abscounded with, it seems. Don't run and hide behind veneer. It is "well supported by facts" ? Please, sir, list these "facts" for me, for I am curious to the quick. Your facts must not only postulate a guess, it must also disprove natural law. You are an opponent of worth, I await your response.

  • Frogleg

    I didn't mean to be rude. In answer to your question: Yes! I have researched evolution THEORY, as well as relativity theory, string theory, expansion theory, and the mysteries of a womans heart. In truth, the most useful has been the part about women. I wonder why that is?

  • tetrapod.sapien
    In truth, the most useful has been the part about women. I wonder why that is?

    because that's how evolution made you?


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