I 'took the plunge' at 15 too...if I had any idea of what was to come, I would have thought twice. But it seemed such a good idea, my parents might actually stop looking at me like I was the black sheep (they didn't, incidentally), I could start dating, I'd get a clap at the following meeting, people would notice me and in the right way too, not just as 'that one who sits on her own looking miserable and looking like a goth'. (I wasn't a goth, just liked black, but obviously that meant I must've been a devil worshipper) The reason many youths get baptised is for acceptance. The society gives you an extremely effed up conscience which often stops you from feeling you're accepted in the wide world and makes you seek acceptance in their world. It's the most natural thing in the world, it's expected of you, after all, what other goals in life could you possibly have??
When I was part of the organisation, I wondered about my brother, he never had even attempted to become an unbaptised publisher and wouldn't consider baptism. In those days I thought he was 'weak', now I see how strong he is, he hasn't bowed to all the pressure and at the age of 21, still doesn't want to. I never thought I'd say it, but I really admire him. Maybe he saw how much good getting baptised did me....