Do you think that JW's leaders are going to announce a new date in 2006?

by booker-t 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TheOldHippie

    I just saw a couple of lines about the coming January, 2006 issue of Awake, and the main article dealt with what kind of world our children will experience, and the lines were (back-translated) "What kind of world conditions will they experience in 20 - 30 years ?"

    Now, if THAT isn't trying to say something without saying it, then what is ? The issue will be interesting to read indeed !

  • blondie
    "What kind of world conditions will they experience in 20 - 30 years ?"

    Good point, OH.

  • Hellrider

    They`re not stupid enough to set another date, but they are definitely going to do their best to heighten the state of urgency and paranoia. The need for this is even greater now than it was before the generation-change, as they now only have "the signs" to cling to. Good thing there is terror, war, disasters and mayhem in the world. Otherwise the WTS would have had nothing (oh well, then they`r probably go "peace and security, it`s obviously a quiet before the must be really close now!"...and how can you argue with someone like that...)

  • dorayakii

    They are definately not going to release a new date... That would kill them... As soon as the date was uttered, it would trigger rogue thought patterns in the rank-and-file... Even those who have never heard of 1975 and/or those who are "strong in the truth" would begin to think twice. We are too far into the 21st century, i doubt if they'd be able to survive another date setting fiasco, and i think they know that.

  • yaddayadda

    If the end doesn't come by 2014 the WTS will resort more and more to the 120 year link to 1914, which they have already alluded to, as an attempt to stave off the mass dissilusionment that will set in after the 100th anniversary of Christ's invisible rule that never was. The org survived the 1975 and 1994 'this generation' fiascos. So my guess is that when it comes to the crunch they will not hesitate to dangle yet another chronological speculation out there.

  • r51785


    I like that assembly badge!

    By the way, who did conquer the world in the 1970's???????????

  • ackack

    My list is in the 60's, hippies conquered, then the 70's was disillusionment, the 80's was american capitalists and i think kurt cobain singlehandedly conquered the 90's. that was a very exciting decade.


  • I-CH-TH-U-S

    so who is going to conquer in the 00's (does that sound weird to say?)

    my predictions:

    Vancouver Canucks, Obesity, interenet downloading, MP3 Players, Bill Clinton, Bare Naked Ladies (thats a band for those who arnt canadian or versed in music) Honda, the rise (and fall) of flare jeans (again), breast enlargment, breast reduction (due to botched breast enlargement), real estate, the salvation army....but most importantly.....Fidel Castro and Communism, we all know its the best way to get things done, cuba - top education and great doctors (minus the supplies) everyone in cuba is a genius, we need to let them take over...


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Blondie your joking came true. I remember a WT study wrticle in 04 that was talking about the 120 years and then stated that some 90 years have already passed since 1914. I pointed this out to a then friend of mine who did not pick up on the corelation. He said they were not trying to say that there was another 30 years left before the end.

  • observador
    However they will make allusions to a date and when it is not fulfilled claim that it was the brothers & sisters fault for reading into something they never said.

    Well, that's exactly what they did to 1975.

    They can't put out a clear and unmistakable date for the big A. That would simply be too much. Even die hard JWs would feel the strong smell...


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