Watchtower website article on the History of the Tortilla

by IronGland 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    With all this "Mesopotamia" and "Friar" talk, I get the impression that this food is of pagan origins!

    After all, aren't they made in a circle shape, just like the sun God?

    Aren't they flat and slightly bumpy, like the remains of Gosh-hor'eg, the god of underpants after he was slewn by his arch-rival Cornelius, god of cornmeal?

    Brothers and sisters, let us reject this unholy, demonic maize-meal for the culinary pornography that it is!


  • RunningMan

    I am not worthy to eat tortilla chips. Since they are made without leaven, they symbolize the body of Christ. As I am not of the annointed, if I ate a tortilla chip, I would be partaking unworthily.

  • Finally-Free

    I prefer tacos.


  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    They wonder why publishing such one seems to care that the Asleep Mag is only going to be publised once a month. Awake....Commentary on the Obvious.

  • Crumpet

    I hate to pedantic but this article curiously made it into the wtachtower.

  • IP_SEC

    Its hell to make a good tortilla without manteca. Its hard to get manteca without slaughtering aminals. Well I guess there will be no good tortillas in the new world either.

    Whats the point of living without tortillas?

  • VM44

    Where is the companion article on the history of salsa? --VM44

  • sf

    Dead WT Kids can't eat tortillas.


  • rebel8
    In the 16th century, Friar Bernardino de SahagĂșn related the way tortillas were served: 'The tortillas were white, hot, and folded. They were arranged in a basket and covered with a white cloth.'

    Here is the rest of the article:

    The basket and white cloth were used by Pagans to symbolize homosexuality and child sacrifice. Therefore, Christians today refrain from using such symbols. Lucia, a young woman from Mexico said, 'I realized that putting tortillas in baskets with white cloths on them was giving a bad witness. My worldly schoolmates, seeing that I was willing to compromise on my bread storage selections, put peer pressure on me to celebrate worldly holidays and listen to unclean music. I stopped keeping my tortillas in baskets with cloths right then. Although they quickly become cold and stale, I know I have a clean conscience before Jehovah.'

    Some Christians of conscience have made heartfelt decisions to abstain from eating tortillas altogether. While eating the warm, round, soft bread, they found themselves harboring unclean sexual desires. One unmarried couple was even drawn to engaging in oral sex, all because they ate tortillas! The apostles refrained from eating the flatbreads of their day in order to remain clean. Christians today should take heed of their fine example. (insert fake scriptural references)

  • Leolaia

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