LOL at all of you! why couldn't the meetings be this fun?
Watchtower website article on the History of the Tortilla
by IronGland 28 Replies latest jw friends
Here is the rest of the article:
Hhahhahahh rebel!
You sucked me into that one for a few mins. I though welp that sounds completely dubalisious. Like a real witness testimonial.
Some Christians of conscience have made heartfelt decisions to abstain from eating tortillas altogether. While eating the warm, round, soft bread, they found themselves harboring unclean sexual desires. One unmarried couple was even drawn to engaging in oral sex, all because they ate tortillas! The apostles refrained from eating the flatbreads of their day in order to remain clean. Christians today should take heed of their fine example.
LMAO!!! Too funny..
[walks off to eat round warm soft tortillas]
Observe the humble tortilla chip .... evidence of a loving creator
That's the part that got me thinking. They used those words so often. I remember having to study the red Youth book with my mother and she told me how sex is evidence of a loving creator because the male and female sex organs fit together so well....she said an unloving creator could have made it so they didn't fit together well......or maybe it was just survival of the fittest...those with well fitting sex organs died off because they didn't want to procreate. hmmmm
But Crumpet I think instead of "superb" magazines, it would have been "fine"!!! That used to be one of their favorite words. I still refuse to use it.
Excellent parody, Reb'! Beauty!
Hmmm... this thread made me hungry... gotta go get some Tostidos
Room 215
Nice article and all; but what does any of this have to do with ``The Good News of the Kingdom"? Here, the earth's 6 billion, down to the last dewy-eyed infant, are facing imminent annihilation, and this is what we read on the lone website purporting to be sending out the call?